Good day Everyone at the Hive learner community 😎,
I hope this post met you all well,
There is a popular saying that life is a teacher, the more you live, the more you learn. This saying is true but what type of learning are you learning exactly?
Sometimes you can easily get caught up in the wrong place, people or family and then you learn an immoral lessons that might become part of you and then make you a nuisance in the society.
Here is the point am actually driving at:
"Your Family is your first school" this is my quote, you might not agree with it, but i will give you many instances of why i quoted that.
Why did you think People defined family as the basic unit of the Society? Well the answer is simple, your family is your first contact before you get exposed to the society.
So if all what you learned from your family is bad, you might end up being a bad person. If your Family teach you to be A person of respect and Good manners, you will be.
One of the Best thing a person can ever Have is Good Parents, especially the ones that creates time to nurture thier Kids and bring them up with good Morals.
I am blessed to Have such parents and Siblings,
My Dad is a disciplinarian and Religious person, My Mum also has every quality a good Mother can have, she is caring, loving, hardworking, and dedicated.
What are those things my Parents taught me that changed my life for Good?
My parents taught me alot i must say, honestly most of what they taught me get me going and took me so far in life. I was taught to be honest in all i do, to respect people, to work hard and Fear God.
Those attributes really took my far in life.
I can remember vividly how i got my most loyal customer at my work place. I am an Agent Banker popularly known as POS business in Nigeria. We render financial services to the under banked and Unbanked.
There is this customer, His name is Chinedu, He came to my Office to Make a withdrawal of Three hundred thousand Naira (#300,000) from his Account. He was quite in haste that day, so after the transaction was approved, we gave him the Cash, we documented his details down in our records book then he went his way.
After balancing of account that day we noticed an excess of 10,000 in the Account for that day, i check every where whether there is any unprocessed transactions but they were all processed and approved, i was still thinking when i remembered that there was an hundred thousand naira bundle i removed Ten thousand naira from and it turns out to be part of the money given to Mr Chinedu, Immediately i called Him about it and transferred back the money,. He was so Happy about that act of Kindness.
Mr Chinedu became a customer that have brought several other customers to my shop for transactions because of how i returned the money back to him.
Many other examples like how i ended up becoming the former state coordinator of my former company because of Hardwork and Honesty.
Times when honesty and Hardwork didn't really pay off
It's a Crazy world and many times you get punished for your Good Deeds. Yes you heard me right, Being Honest can actually puts you in trouble sometimes.
This was the case when i helped one of my church member, she doesn't have work for mors than 5 months so i decided to Help her, only for Her to Steal a Large sum of Money from Me.
The case of Hard work failing me, was when the Company i worked so Hard for, one the year i was supposed to be promoted, i was sadly relieved of Work instead, the only excuse was that the Company board is Changing their work structures and reducing work force due to financial Crisis. What more can I say though.
This was a response to the Week 96 edition 2, of the "always right" Topic
Thanks for Reading, do have a Week