Cons of Public Transportation

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Hello Everyone in this amazing community

I hope we are having a great day?


Transportation can be defined as the movement of Humans, animals and goods from one place to another. There are many modes of transportation, we can travel by land, for example through cars, buses, train , bicycles, scooter, motorcycles and land surfers.
These are basically the major mode of transportation people use, probably because it's easily accessible and the most common.


Another mode of transportation is by water, we travel by water through boats, ships, cargoes, ferries, water surf's. Even Underwater this is by using submarines, although submarines are used by military for welfare purpose, I don't think there is any commercial submarines for the people of mass transportation of people casually from one place to another under water.


Honestly I really dread anything water transport. Maybe I fear large mass of water too much hehe. All I know is that I can count the number of times I traveled on water. I don't even know if I can still swim again, this is because, i learnt how to swim almost 10 years ago but I can't really tell if I can still know that techniques of swimming again.


The last mode I would be talking about is Air transportation,
Just as the name said, this is the process of means of moving people or goods from on place to another by Air.
This can be by airplanes, hot air balloons, jets , rockets and space shuttle, although space shuttle and rockets are rarely used for public transportation. Personally I only travelled by air just once, it was an unforgettable experience,
We traveled a distance that would have taken 10 hours by land for just 1 hour on Air. That was how quick and fast the air transportation can be.
But the shortcoming is that transportation by air is pretty expensive.

Basically All this means of transportation are great but here are some of the shortcomings on traveling using a Public bus over here:

For Land Transport in my Area: Here are some of the problems I usually encounter whenever I use the public transportation:

First off the Hike in price of petroleum in Nigeria caused 200% increase in price of Transportation using public buses. The convince too was disrupted, this is because drivers gets more greedy because of the hike in buying the petrol, so for 18 passenger bus, they tend to pack up to 25 people in the bus.Although I can really blame the drivers for this, circumstances and issues of taxing and bribery caused a lot of havoc.
Also another major problems is the bad roads,
A lot of death traps are on the roads, pot holes and I'll maintained roads cost the drivers some damages to their buses. Each time tyres got destroyed, the body of the car keeps tearing and many others due to bad roads.


Too many tax expenses on the road. Many people collects some form of payments from the drivers, for examples some policeman collects bribes always on the road, even without adequately doing search or inspection of the bus, Others like VIO, Lastma , illegal checkpoint just to extort money from the drivers.

What can be done presently to ease the problem face using the public transport in my area?

For me, I think the fuel price should be reduced to a level whereby drivers or car owners can comfortably Make profit without unnecessary discomfort to passengers and also repair all the roads.

I hope you enjoy and have a great day 😘



Absolutely you are right that there are many modes of transport in many ways we can go from one place to another but when petrol is expensive we will have to pay a lot at every place.

Yes the issue of petroleum price is now getting out of hand


I'm always vexed with the issue of fuel increase, why should we keep suffering from what we have... Maybe it's greediness

And the pot holes on our roads are nothing but death traps

Serious death traps o, In Benue here those bad roads have taken lives so much, thank God the Government is doing well

Have you still not traveled by water routes? That is amazing

I like air and water traveling a lot. We are in the same boat regarding road issues and petrol prices. We need to raise our voices in front of the government.

I travelled by water like 4 times now, but I am always scared, in fact I think I prefer to travel by Air instead of water, just that Air is quite expensive

We have been battling the issue of increase in the price of petroleum for more than a decade now and I don't see us overcoming it anytime soon. For the drivers, it has become a tradition for them to extort passengers.

I won't blame the drivers, some people keep extorting them, in form of taxes and bills