"Is It Really The Teacher's Fault? Understanding Who Shapes Student Success".

in Hive Learners5 months ago


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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. Today's topic is "The Teacher's Fault." So let's dive into it.

We all know that teachers play a big role in students lives, like how parents play a big role in their lives, helping students learn, but don't let us forget that they can't control everything about a student's success. Imagine a classroom where the teachers explain the subject or subjects clearly and give students help when they need it. That's exactly what a good teacher does, right? But even with all of that and how teachers explain the subjects so that the students will understand, some students might still struggle or perform poorly in class. Why is that?

Let us think it this way: learning is a two-way street. While the teacher's job is to teach and make the students understand the subjects, it's also up to the students to pay attention, ask questions, and put in the effort to study. For example, just like in sports, a coach can only show you the moves, but it's up to you to practice them yourself; likewise, if you are learning something like fashion design, your boss will only show you how to ride the machine and how to cut and sew the cloth, so it's up to you to practice them yourself. So, even if the teacher does their best to make the students learn and understand, the students also have to do their parts.


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Imagine a student who has a problem at home, like their parents who are too busy to help them with their homework, or maybe the student is facing or dealing with some issues such as bullying, etc. These can affect or distract the students academically, making them lose interest in their studies. But none of this is the teachers fault, but it still affects the students performance.

Some students also have different challenges, like trouble focusing or learning disabilities. Though all these things are not easy to spot, and sometimes teachers might not know that a student is struggling in a particular subject or subjects. Without extra support, these students might fall behind, even if they're trying hard.


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So, let me ask you if it's fair to blame the teachers if a student doesn't do well? Not really. While the teachers are responsible for doing their best to help students and moulding them to become good leaders tomorrow, they can't control everything. The students have to be willing to learn. Instead of us blaming only the teachers for not moulding the students well, it's more helpful to look at the whole situation and see what everyone, teachers, students, and even the families can do to improve. Learning works best when everyone plays their part.

In conclusion, while teachers are important for helping students succeed and become better people in the future, a student's performance isn't just their responsibility. Rather than blaming only the teachers, it's better to focus on how everyone involved can work together to help the students do better in their studies so that they can become great leaders in life.

This is my entry for the Hive Learners Featured Content Week 138 Edition 02

Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤.

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Thanks for sharing...
Truly teacher are responsible of helping their students to achieved their future desire.

Yes, they are indeed responsible

Well yeah! teachers plays the main role in the student life even though we can't see.

Yes they really plays the main role in the lives of the student.

Thank you, pandex.