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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. Today's topic is "An Idle Mind," but first, what does an idle mind do? "An idle mind is when your brain isn't actively focused on anything". So let's dive into it.
Have you ever been so bored that you feel like time is barely moving? You know that feeling where time seems to drag and you have nothing to do and you're just sitting there with no thoughts or plan. Boredom can be frustrating, especially if you're the kind of person who likes to stay active or busy.
So, how do I deal with boredom?
Everyone has their own ways of dealing with their own boredom, but some methods work better and faster than others. Some people just grab their phone and start scrolling through their social media, watching movies, or playing games. It's easy and fills up the time without needing much effort. You open an app, and before you know it, an hour has passed. But the question now is, does all this really make the boredom go away? Or it just leaves you feeling more restless or like you've wasted time.Other people might turn to their hobbies when they're bored; they might read a book, draw or sketch, or even cook different food recipes. Hobbies not only fill the time, but they also give you something to feel good about. You actually get to do something, which feels way better than just sitting around doing nothing.

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There are times that whenever I'm bored and frustrated and there's nothing to do, either I sleep, scroll through my social media, read novels or books, or even watch movies just to pass time, yet the boredom will always be there. Or when I see that I'm not interested in all these, I go online to watch how famous celebrities are sewing new fashion trending styles because I'm learning fashion designers and I have to know more about the work I'm doing and also to know the latest fashion trending styles.
On the other hand, some people think that boredom itself is okay, saying that if we're bored, our mind can actually have a space to breathe. But in my view, boredom can be the perfect opportunity to try out something new or dive into something you've always been curious about.
In the end, everyone deals with boredom differently. The trick is to find something that actually works for you. If watching movies, playing games, or drawing/sketching relaxes you, then that's fine, or if doing something creative makes you feel better, then go for it. If your boredom cure makes you feel happier or more energised, then you've probably found something that really works for you, but if it just leaves you feeling restless, maybe it's time to try something else. Sometimes I do find myself daydreaming or thinking about random things instead of paying attention to what's happening around me.
In conclusion, everyone gets bored sometimes, but it's all about how you deal with it. Boredom doesn't have to be bad; it can be a chance to do something that makes you feel good.
This is my entry for the Hive Learners Featured Content Week 138 Edition 01
Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤❤.
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