The production of cars and other useful produce, generally technological advancement, has come with many merits, but at the same time, it came with a disadvantage.
Burning of fuel by these vehicles produces carbon as the end produce which is released to the environment, there by causing air pollution.
Carbon is a toxic substance which harms the human body and causes ill health. I guess that's the major reason why Elon Musk is making electric cars, but then, people still prefer these cars over electric cars.
Many people are car freaks, people like me who love fuel powered cars to the extent of loving the smoke that comes out from the exhaust pipe of a car. Most of us, car guys, use to think that the smoke that comes from a car is like oxygen to our lungs, and the loud sound is music to the ears
Yes, rules and regulations are useful to safe guard one weak fellow from the other strong one and also, to keep everyone safe but then, even though rules and regulations serve a purpose of safe guarding the people, the rules should not stop the people from buying things they love, things like cars.
Everyday, companies manufacture new cars, and as these new cars come out, customers will want to buy these cars to add to their car collection. For a car guy, their car collection is a source of pride and they cherish it more than anything.
If the government passes a law for families to be limited to having just one car, because they think that doing so will reduce the extent of air pollution, it will do more harm than good.
Cars are not only the causes of air pollution in the world today. Look at heavy duty companies that burns coal to function, ships, and many more, they produce more carbon greater, than ten cars combined.
Regulating the amount of cars a family will not solve the problems of pollution, and it will cause an uproar within families.
There are many people that plan to stalk their garage with many different cars. People plan to buy a big place just to build their car collection on there. Not only that, if this law is passed, companies will be limited to producing a certain amount of cars, which may make them go out of business.
We all have different people with different personalities. This law can be good for minimalists, but then, what about other people? For some people, mostly car people, they will want to buy the latest Bugatti and store along side the previous ones the have. For some, collecting different cars is a hobby they enjoy. So, passing this law will not sit right with them.
Instead of the government to pass law against having more than one car, there are better things for the government to look into, worst things that can harm the family and country at large. Things like embezzlement of public funds, bad economy, corruption within the government themselves and and citizens, and many other bad things happening in the country.
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