Encouraging my coursemates during an exams period

in Hive Learnerslast year
Doing good to others is one part of humanity that comes with unlimited benefits. Sadly, we realize this later in life.

When a person extends goodness to another, they should do it out of free will and expect nothing in return.

The holiday is one with many festivities, and it feels like this holiday should not com to an end as there is lots of food, money as well as loved ones to share things with.

Extending a bit of kindness to those who don't enjoy the good things and privileges we enjoy during these times shows that we still have an atom of humanity in us.

One aspect I love about myself is the one of being selfless. During this holiday, I have given out to people in need and I am really happy about it.


Silver or gold, I had none to give but my words of encouragement, motivation and advice are the right tool I needed for this scenario.

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Few days ago, I was Writting my exams and it was not comfortable at all. The exams was an OBJ exams, comprising of all what we learnt since our first year till date. Though I am a fast assimilator, I had to read extensively for this exams. I was constantly taking glucose to help with my brain activity.

We wrote the first paper and it was really nice (for me though) and I enjoyed the paper because I got most of the answers. Everyone was happy with the first paper and left the exams hall for the lodge where we stayed to prepare for the next paper.

After refreshing to read for the next paper which will hold the next day, I got a call from our sister school, saying that the results for the first paper we wrote an hour ago was out. I was not only shocked but tensed at the same time. I knew the validity of what I wrote, but I was tensed because what if the computer marked my script wrongly? I summoned all the courage I could get, pulled myself together and placed a call to my principal. She was not close by and could not give us our results, so I insisted she called it over the phone so that we could write it down because the tension was really high and some of us were having suicidal tendencies.

She reluctantly agreed after much pressuring and called all the results to us. I was happy that I passed the first paper but the results of my course mates made me really sad. The first battle was won, but I felt like I lost it. Being a leader of my coursemates, I had to start giving out words of encouragement, advice and I tried to motivate them into believing that they are not failures, just that the exams did not go as they planned. I almost broke down because seeing my people crying was a lot for me to bear irrespective of my cold hearted nature.

I talked to them and made sure that they were okay, i asked them to go take a shower, eat and settle down, then i encouraged them to read for paper 2 which was the next day. After that incident with them, I went straight to my room, locked everywhere and played some music while shedding tears. It was not my fault they failed the exams, but I felt what a father feels when their children are stuck at a place in life.

This exams is a decisive one, and failure will make the person involved to repeat the semester and not move further. Everything hit me at once as the thought of my coursemates repeating flooded my mind.

After that day, they inputted efforts in their studies and it payed off. Though some persons still got below the pass mark, the next results was good compared to paper 1.

After my principal released the results of paper 2, I saw that I passed and most of my course mates passed but it was really making everyone feel less motivated. There were some people that failed both paper 1 and 2 and they were actually beginning to give up. Based on this, I asked my principal to stop calling the results until we finish paper 3, CAOSCE and VIVA. She saw sense in what I said ad agreed.

We wrote the remaining exams with everyone being fine and not depressed. The exams ended on the 22/12/2023 but up till date, we have not yet received our results. I called he principal about it but she did not pick the call. I just hope everyone pass and I will not have to start consoling anyone.

That will be all for this post, I really appreciate your presence on my blog and I hope to see you next time. Thank you and have a wonderful holidays.

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Words of encouragement goes a long way and does more than we could imagine too. I love the fact that you could feel their pain though you were not exactly in their shoes at that time.

I hope y'all pass well.

I hope so too..

Thank you for stopping by

Good deed doesn't have to always be monetary it could be an advice or been there for someone like you did, because you don't have power other the situation than to be there for them.
I am sure if you could do more than that you wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Yeah, I wouldn't have an atom of hesitation but well, that's all I could do at the moment