Alcohol is as evil as drugs

in Hive Learners8 months ago

I find it very difficult to believe why some people can confidently say that they don't do drugs but only take alcohol, like what's the difference please? My stance towards drugs and alcohol remain the same for life because I understand that both are extremely bad to the health, so why will I engage in an act that's so harmful to my body and be proud of doing it.


I never liked either one; drugs or alcohol, I'm always irritated if I pass through where people are indulging in the act of smoking or drinking. That's one of the reasons I find it difficult to attend all parties, I don't want to be a so called 'saint' in the midst of drug users and drinkers.

I despise both drugs and alcohol with passion because of its repulsive smells and also because of how I've learnt about the great repercussions of being an addict of both.

Drugs are chemical substances that affect the functioning of the body when used. We all know using drugs isn't bad at all, I'm not against using drugs for the betterment of one's health when being weak or sick but in a situation whereby you are hale and healthy and the only thing you think of is using hard drugs to high yourself then that's bad.

Though drugs are meant to be beneficial to us all but it's the abuse that makes it bad, so abusing hard drugs is detrimental to the health, anyone using it can either go insane, get paralyzed by it or even die an untimely death. Just like hard drugs is evil, so is Alcohol; but a lot of people don't know.

I laugh at people who take alcoholic drinks and gins joyfully defending themselves that they aren't drug addicts, little did they know that alcohol has more dreadful consequences than a number of some supposed hard drugs.

Alcoholic drinks and different forms of gins is now the flourishing business that people are presently venturing into here in Nigeria. It's now so common that one can easily get a small sachet as low as #100. It so sad that both rural and urban areas have now been flooded with all these kinds of sachets alcoholic drinks.


Everyone irrespective of their age have access to it now and they don't know the implications of their consumption at all. The government in my country sometimes ago placed a ban on those small sachets and packs of alcoholic drinks but as it is now, I think the high and mighty have hijacked the business so the government isn't serious with the ban any longer.

If I have the power, I will definitely eradicate alcohol from the society just like drugs by placing an outrageous tax on any company producing it so as for them to quickly fold up. I know with this, the price of the product will increase and those that may want to buy it will definitely have a rethink before purchasing it.

When there is low patronage from customer, I'm sure that it's availability in the society will be limited and drinkers will shift their desire to another thing entirely.

In conclusion, both alcohol and drugs are evil, none is of lesser evil at all. Both are detrimental to the health of human beings and the society at large.

Thanks for visiting my blog!


Drugs and alcohol business is flourishing around the world. If we shall not stop it now or in coming era then we shall get permanent harms in normal people. They both are big evils in our youth hence we should get rid of them.

I totally agree with you, it should be banned. Thanks for visiting

It's really funny when people call me saint just because I don't try to harm my health like them 😂

Even without taking these things, it's hard to keep good health but they are making things worse for themselves... Both are same, no arguments there at all.

🤣🤣🤣that's why I don't want anybody to tag me a saint also.

Thanks for visiting sis

So if I start taking alcohol, you'll stop being my friend? 😃😃

Asap..... Without wasting time🤣🤣


 8 months ago Reveal Comment

Yes you are right, I also hate those soft drinks too. They are just too harmful for the health. Thanks for visiting

 8 months ago Reveal Comment