There are a lot of human rights protecting an individual in a particular country but sometimes those right are not regarded, every individual both handicapped and talented or exceptional or ones referred to as gifted child have a human rights protecting them. Right To freedom right to speech right to a lot of things and there are some situation where every country give the rule and regulations that protect their country. Let's like my country have a Bill which is being passed to arms of government for consideration and infant Fit will be endorsed and bring into usage in the community or country. A lot of individuals or citizens in Nigeria do not pay their taxes and they are being penalized for it one day or may definitely pay it sometimes a future even they did not pay now. Bringing it down to medical check up an individual without a good health standard can actually break down and from there pass out to death. And sometime during our days in school who be told that the way of improving medical check-up is by government involvement and I think this is a place where government involvement have to play a role to ensure that healthy and quality medical job are been given to citizen of the country. Not just a medical check up but to attend to any health need of an individual or citizen of the country by this way, it will help the community or country stay healthy and in one way or the other the Government have play a vital role in providing or improving quality health to her citizens.
A good question here is how can the government involved in medical check up routine to improve quality health care to the citizens? Regarding to the topic give him in having learners week 156 in the Edition 2. Which emphasizes on our perception on making medical check up the compulsory for every individual or citizen in the country to attend at least once in a year, and by the virtue of any individual not attending it will be punished or penalized or can be sent to a jail. Before the government can make it compulsory let's remember that every individual in a country such as Nigeria has a right of choice, and if government should make medical check up a compulsory for her citizens, it will encroach with the right of every citizen to make their choice or decision which is known as "Autonomy."
However, it will be of greater benefit to human an individuals in the country to keep their health check up routine in place. But before this the government have to do a great impact before making this bill or law. The government should at least take care of primary need of the citizen which improve health of an individual controlling the social economic status of the society and the government should make medical service rendering the society to be free to the citizens by this way individual and citizens will be encouraged to participate but it is not a good reason for making it a lot that will lead to individual to prison or jail. Individuals and citizens in have right to choose if or not to go for medical checkup.
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