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RE: Marks of 2024 [EN/PT]

in Hive Learners2 months ago

It's nice to read that you're progressing, at least for me, it's pretty good that one of the authors I like to read the most is progressing in life, so congratulations for that, because by feeling better, sharing your successes, and getting ahead, you give us better content and you are in a better position to address a greater number of topics. And I hope this only continues to get better, to a point where you start making everyone around you better, including me.

May the success continue, my best wishes are for you (and I hope that next year you invite me to your son's birthday, with paid airfare and stay =D)

A hug.


Thank you for your words, they always motivate me a lot. And yes, if one day I have the means to invite and cover all the expenses, you're invited!!