in Hive Learners23 days ago


I say it every time that I am delighted to be born in an era of not just civilization but also mind-blowing technological evolution and advancement.

I remember when I was younger and had to go to a cyber cafe to browse and do some assignments, but now, everything I need is on my phone. Back then, it was a lot tiring. Now, compare it to the time of the people of old, and you can only imagine how they navigated getting information.

We keep on seeing every day that just as advancements have brought good our way, there are also demerits to them. Cause, as is said, whatever has an advantage, has a disadvantage.

Still, i think that availability of information has nothing to do with the intelligence level unless it is utilised in such a way which helps to sharpen one's intelligence level. The internet has taken over as our primary source of information in our everyday lives.

The thing is that one may have plenty of
resources which can provide him information to a great extent, but it solely depends on one's choice whether to extract information from the resources and employ efficiently on developing
himself or to use such resources for other

In this era of technology where everything is just one click away. We don't consider gaining knowledge. Because we can search for anything we want on the time we need.Thiss is making lesser the value of knowledge today. We used to gain knowledge to increase our knowledge. We used to read books ornewspapersr or articles etc to learn and know about new things new places. And we used to remind it becauseof coursee wecan'tt carry all the books with us. So we used to learn it.
But now people carry the whole bunch of
knowledge with the, which make them less reminding because they just find it on the timetheye need to. Even that information to, which they never heard about.

We are fortunate to have this much information readily available and for fre, but wecan nott really say if we are any more knowledgeable than our forefathers were. The truth is that they used the resources available to them to make for themselves ways ro live more comfortable lives and we, in turn, have built upon those resources to make even better innovations and if we consider how rapidly evolutions and innovations go, it will be just a few years before generations to come will improve upon what we have.

There is some logic that argues that, due to
having access to answers at our fingertips, we are becoming "more broadly knowledgeable in a shallow way and "less narrowly knowledgeable in a deep way"
That is, people may actually "know more things" (assuming that most of the things they access are accurate), but have a less developed understanding of why those things are true, and how to apply the consequential logic to understand when something doesn't make sense.

Because, if we look at it, people hardly give in the time to learn things deeply. We're only concerned about getting direct answers to our questions. During the time of our forefathers, they atleastt had to read through paragraphs before they arrived at answer, thereby gaining background knowledge. Now we type in our questions and are fed just the exact answer and nothing more to build upon it.
Knowledge is based on information application and depth of understand.

I hope that this was interesting to read. Thanks for coming around.


I have seen some instances where this has happened. Basically these people find the information so either that they don't even try to understand it. And they just make their own interpretation and try to sell it the way they see fit, which is wrong most of the time.

You're right. They usually ho along with the surface information, and they don't care. You get it. Thanks for coming around.

Even I myself got probably the most basic medication and maybe a minute of the doctor's time when I actually needed it. And all this is just probably a month ago.