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Hello hiveleaeners community, how is everyone today?
When I read the featured content for this week which is 100 weeks of memories. I realized that the content is not just to look at the most emotional, easiest and toughest topic you have written. It is a content where all hiveleaeners need to evaluate, examine and reflect on our previous articles.
Self-evaluation : it is to evaluate yourself, what you have achieved within 100 days, how to improve yourself, your strongest and weakest areas, what have you done to improve yourself.
Examination: either you are a student or not, you must pass the examination. It is a metric to measure one improvement. Without examination, you can't be promoted. Examination can be consciously and unconsciously.
Reflection: It is time to put on your thinking cap. Ask yourself questions about those topics you have written within 100 days.
This Picture was designed by me
Let me explain details: there was a topic I wrote some months ago ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING I said ‘I am very calm and meek’.
I realized that even when someone hurt me, I still remained calm and meek.
In some of my articles, I wrote about areas to improve in my life, what I need to achieve, what I need to do away and even the kind of friends I should associate with.
Hence, it is the moment to think about those articles you have written and evaluate yourself.
When I was written A MAN OF A HEAR ❤️ 💜 OF GOLD- LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR HEART TO DRAW OTHERS INTO LOVE, HAPPINESS AND HEAL BROKEN HEARTS 💔💔 I was very emotional because it was my story. It was one of the most emotional articles I have written.
This was just my story of entering the labor market. I have heard from some people searching for a job for more than 5 years. I am always praying to God for help.
97% of my classmates who graduated have not gotten jobs. 2 months after my youth service, I got employment in one of the reputable organizations in Nigeria; no interview, no checking of my files. I have never heard such things in my life.
Throughout that day, I was emotional because I don't know how it happened. I don't know the white man; in fact, it was my first time I saw him. When I got home, I was asking myself- how did it happen?
Being a novice in the organization, yet I was given assistant manager was just something I can't comprehend.
I was happy and at the same time I was afraid… I was afraid because of the position; there were many people who spent 7 years in the organization, a company that people with professional careers are searching for.
One of the easiest topics to write was I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE WORD ‘IMPOSSIBILITY’. This is just because I can achieve anything I set my mind to do. I have accomplished the tasks that many people tagged ‘impossible’. People started asking me how to do it?
I believe impossibility is just the same as fear. When people are scared to do something, that is impossible to them. I also realized that fear is a torment; and I believe if you overcome fear, you will accomplish that thing that seems impossible. I realized it when I overcame my swimming phobia.
This topic was one of the easiest topics to me because it is about me.
I called this fiction because I did not see it; it was imaginary; It wasn't real. It is not something that I was practicing.
If you look at articles I shared before this one, it was practical, it was my life experiences, it happened to me.
‘A million dollar can be so tempting; but I will never stop serving my God’ was not practicable. It was an assumption because I did not have it then.
I love experiences, I love something practicable.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
Thank you for reading my post.