I think in the current moment measles and other vaccines are more important compared to COVID or even FLU.. I think that COVID vaccine helped a bit when there was those Gama and Delta strains, right now I would say that the danger is comparable to the Flu menace. There are some options without mRNA though if you prefer, but I would say that if you are over 60s should think about it, including other vaccines like pneumococcal, RSV.
I like the meningococcal one, that's hella dangerous if you get it, flu one i just skip it
One that I didn't have a chance also to take it but for my kids will be important is the HPV
Oh yea we got that too, not available back in my days... Is it important for males too?
They started with females but now is also available for males, and somehow it can avoid cancer in all genital types! I have a colleague who didn't want to have kids. But in one check up she discovered that she had one of the HPV types that can progress into a cervical cancer... she decided to have a kid right away...interesting right? Of course that she can die with other disease,s but only knowing that you have something that is very dangerous, you change your mind.
Oh yea they offer yearly free hpv test here to prevent cancer... Indeed interesting twist