Hello everyone, its a good day to jump on this weekly content from the hive learners community.
Over the years I have fallen sick severally and so many treatment and suggestions has been administered to me that were really helpful to me, but one thing as a Nigerian that I have been observing is that people don’t go Lab scientists to run test to actually know what is wrong with them, me too I have also been on this table for while now, most times when I feel feverish I just go to the chemist or pharmacist and then describe how I feel then boom! drugs are been given to me to take, some times I finish my prescription and other times I throw away the rest.
This is not good because sometimes we might buy drugs thinking that we have got malaria but not actually knowing that you’re pregnant, lol.. this is funny but I have actually seen a case like this, it happened in a chemist store close our shop, that fateful the chemist woman was sitting in our shop when a lady and her husband walked into her shop and demanded to see her, when the chemist woman got to her shop we started hearing shouts and follwed by different questions, my aunty couldn’t help but went to the chemist shop to find out was actually going on, the lady began to explain to my aunty saying that the chemist woman gave her abortion pills, like how ?? Why would the chemist do that though!
The chemist woman began to explain her own side of the story, she said that one day the lady came and said that she was feel sick and she thinks its malaria, typhoid and fever and that the chemist woman should administer some drugs to her, because the woman wanted to make sales too she didn’t even bother to ask for some test results, she just gave her the drugs and off which this drugs contained some strong antibiotics which were not good for pregnant women, the lady who came to buy the drugs didn’t know that she was some weeks gone, she took drugs and only for her to start bleeding, it was at that time she went to the hospital and they confirmed that she was pregnant but the drugs she took were too strong for the foetus to handle so the drugs washed it out.
Why am I emphasizing on this, something like this also happened to me, when I was discharged from the hospital after the incident I had, there was this part of leg that was gathering pus, it was so big and everyone around me was like I should be pressing it hot water of which I did, but nothing happened.. the pains was unbearable, I had to call my nurse and when she came in from port harcourt we immediately went to lab and ran a test, everything was revealed and the particular injection I needed to take was also written down, believe me guys just two days of taking that injection I woke up in the middle of the night to actually see that spot gathering pus had cut open by itself and everything was drained out.
It is very important that we go to an hospital or lab scientist to run a medical test to know the actual problem and by doing so it is way easier to solve and treat that particular illness and by the time we do not take running of test seriously, we’re probably just going to end up wasting our money buying the wrong drugs and also taking in the wrong drugs which could cause damages to the our body.