in Hive Learners10 months ago

So much is going on. Or rather, so much happens with every individual; from juggling work, school, skills, family, relationships, personal interests and the lots. And it can be almost unnoticeable when a person gets drowned in wanting to give equal attention to everything especially when they're all tasks they cannot overlook.


Nowadays even, people barely have the time to sleep the required number of hours as is necessary for overall wellness. Everyone is trying to stay afloat and survive and make something of their lives. They get so invested and overwhelmed they can barely tell what is what.

School is currently at the forefront of my priorities. To be frank, i realized that i only acknowledge this in words(because) and often lie between clash of agreement in thoughts yet do not put as much effirt to the supposed priority. Some days I feel like, it shouldn't be and because I'm not performing as well as I should, I internally try to make substitutes so that, as I think of it, I don't get to lag on all sides. Where it gets bad is the point when all of my other side-tasks are very pleasurable but I still can't get a firm grasp of any due to my pursuit of all.
And it's exhausting.

Inspite, I know what works for me. I know how best I can thrive. And this is because, overtime, I have learned and implemented techniques that saved me from falling. From losing balance.

The first one of which is, Making schedules. I do this daily, everyday. In the evenings before I hit my bed. I write out a list of whatever it is that I plan to do the very next day. Beside each task may be a time frame but usually, the mainstay is that I make a list inorder that I do all I need to. A look at my schedules for different days and you can tell what activities I most indulge in, which should easily open to you what my focuses are on. However, because even as I have control over what is first, I still want to be able to push my other interests little-by-little, I factor them somewhere on that list and let myself spend short minutes of my time in accomplishing them. This addition ensures that I don't feel like all my eggs lay in a basket nor like any aspect is falling short.

Moving on, the second helpful step to my attaining balance is time management. I'm working on getting near-perfect at it. It's still a struggle. But thanks to scheduling which eases the burden in such a way that however I just to meander through my day, I still get important work done. Discipline too, comes to play in this scenario. Without it, I could make a schedule comprising three simple tasks yet get none done.

The above mentioned help me to maintain balance in my daily living as following them religiously wears on me the feeling that I stay in control, on top of things and ensure that I stand on two feet.


Thanks for gracing this post.


clearly you've put a lot of thought into maintaining balance amidst life's crazy demands sometimes. the dedication to scheduling and time management is truly commendable. I also agree on your thoughts about getting balance in our lives. Though did you ever find it difficult to stick to your schedule? cause I sometimes find it hard for me as well.

There are days like that. Days when im too tired, after over-procrastinating to commit. I have experienced that lots of times. And it usually feels like I'm no longer in charge of whats happening with me.
What i do then is make smaller, simpler schedules and push myself to see them through.

Todays life is rat race and we all want to be first in this race but on other hand we are paying a big cost for same.

There are reactions to our actions, of course.

This post is very relatable. Each day I try to maintain my balance by managing my Time to things that are important, but mostimes distractions come in the way. Your write up is great though.

Stuff happens and we lose control sometimes. And thats fine, especially if we realize our deviations and put in the effort to get back on track.

Im glad you like the post.
Thank you for coming around.