The story of Gen. Sani Abacha, Most feared military head of state who ruled Nigeria from 1993 to 1998

in Hive Learnerslast month

One of the presidents of Nigeria who will never be forgotten is Gen. Sani Abacha, this man was a Tyrant! His story proves that no matter how powerful you are, no matter the number of powerful people who support you, your days on earth are numbered the moment you become a terror to the country and its citizens, the last thing anyone wants to do is become the nation number 1 enemy as they will always find a way to eliminate such a person.


Humans are not born to be immortal, many things could get us killed ranging from food, vehicles, and other things we use and such is the case of Sani Abacha and you will get to know the theory behind his death towards the end of this post.

When Nigeria gained independence, and the military regime took over the nation, a lot of coups happened which led to the loss of some of our great leaders, the most painful one to me was the death of Gen. Muritala Mohammad who was assassinated in his car, this man was building Nigeria but in that way steps on the foot of the greedy and wicked ones who eliminated him and he was honored by having his picture printed on the #20 Note.

Back to the Sani Abacha Regime, some believed he was the best president Nigeria ever had while some thought he was the worst, everyone had their opinion but Abacha was a man who ruled with an Iron fist...


The most interesting part was when Abacha sensed that some military men were planning a coup against him. His second in command Oladipo Diya was among them, He sentenced all of them to death by firing squad including former president Olusegun Obasanjo but it was delayed. Luckily for them, Abacha died before the sentence could be carried out and some of those people who were spared are the ones who turned the country into the mess it is now.

His good deed

He wiped out most of the greedy and bad people that he saw as a threat but unfortunately, he did not finish the job before he died, he also made sure to counter those misusing the country's wealth, in his regime, he was selfish, he enriched himself but didn't let others do so which further created more enmities but no one dared to oppose him because he is an oppressor an any challenge against him can lead to brutality or death of the challenger.

How did he die?

There are a lot of stories spread about the cause of his death, some said he died on a woman who had thunderbolt which was a scheme by others in the government that want him dead, some believed his apple was injected with poison, some believed he died of cardiac arrest while some think it was a natural cause but one thing is that many people jubilated after his death was announced because they have been wishing for an end to his tyranny.

The military regime was put to an end a year after the death of Sani Abacha and Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo who escaped the death sentence became the president of Nigeria and ruled till 2007... There was no more coup after the transition to civilian regime.

Just call me Burl.
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Come to think of it, what if he killed Obasonjo and the rest? Wouldn't the country have been a better place compared to what we are seeing now? In Nigeria, one thing I have come to understand is that, these leaders are here to milk the country instead of lead it. The state of the country worsen with every emerging leader. Former president Buhari did worst than Good luck, and now, here we are.
If somebody ever told me that I will buy sachet rice, or fuel at 1k Naira, I will fight hat person but then, the abracadabra happened and due to improper planning before subsidy removal and other factors, we bought fuel at N1.2k. Kudos to President Tinubu. Na you do this one.

Though according to some experts, the price of fuel will reduce significantly in 2025. Let's watch and see.

yea assuming he killed them all, Nigeria won't be as bad as this but then even if he killed them, won't others not do the same, every human has that greed and insatiable urge to have everything in them...

you actually have a point here. people will always be greedy and selfish

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thank you

Yahh i heard that apple part during a birthday party on his microphine while giving a speech. We can never know for sure cause histroy covered it all

so many rumors about its death, the only truth is that he died, the cause is not clear.

Lolzz yeah well death is death

Till today we still have superiors like Abacha, those who want to enrich themselves while standing as hindrance and stopping others from doing same. I never knew he had good sides lol.

oh well the good side wasn't so good to others but at least he would have killed all this old people terrorising us now

Abacha would've wiped the entire corrupt leaders from the nation who knows this nation would have been alot better.

Unfortunately, they did not allow him to finish the mission.

The Story of abacha taught us that we can't always eat our cake and have it,
He ruled on blood and sure died at the same course

yup! but he enjoyed life as a president for 5 years before he died, die for something or live for nothing

Wow, you see what you just reminded me of. Hmm. Sani Abacha was a no nonsense president and a military dictator.

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Abacha was a great man. I once met someone who does well in politics. He mentioned that Abacha was very fetish so if you want to betray him, he will know
A lot of people were just saying that he is wicked
He’s just a kind of no nonsense man