Discovering myself and learning made easy

It took me a very long time to understand myself and how things work around me. At first learning something new use to be a very difficult task for me. So, I thought that I was a very full person. That was one of the things that affected me so badly and I left school at an early age.



We saw those kids who came first in school as special kids. I I'm person thought that God created them differently. But I now know better. Only when you understand yourself will you become better.

For this week we have a special topic that says - Is learning that hard? Well, for me learning can be very hard and at the same time for another person, learning can still be very simple. Is just the different kind of making that we have.

For some, when they learn once it will stick to their brain. While some need to learn that particular thing again and again before it will stick. So, it you don't know how your system works you will think that the other person who just listen to something once and understand is better than you. But that is not the case here.

I was once a very dull child when I was still in primary school. Learning was very difficult for me. When I learn something in class, after school is as if everything that I learnt has been deleted from my head. It continued like this until I got to primary five when I met a teacher who allowed me to play all through the year. I came almost last in class and my mother refused to pay my school fees again saying that it is a waste of time to put me in school. I became a school dropout from SS ONE.

When I later decided to go back to school I started thinking of how to change my story. Everyone knew that I don't know anything when it comes to Education. So, how will I cope seeing that I don't learn fast. All that came to my mind was to get few people who are struggling like myself and learn together with them after lectures. I did not know that this was going to bring libration to me. We started having our classes after lectures and I became their teacher. Hahaha 😂. You can imagine someone who needs to be taught teaching other. But to my surprise the more I teach them I retain everything in my brain. After the first year in school I became a local champion. I was as surprised as everyone around me. The second year we continued and that was how I was liberated. I now know that if only I can get few people together, read with them , set questions and answer it together with them I will do better. That was how I started learning and from then any school I go to I use the same method. My story changed from a dull students to the best students in class. Is God not wonderful?

Lessons learnt.
Don't look down on anyone.
Always give people time to change because change is the only thing that is constant.
Keep pushing and don't give up until you get to the end.



i am very impressed how writer share their story of success in learning their education field. she left her school due to his dull performance. she makes a plan to overcome their weakness by establishing group study peer and make it successful for her learning.

Thanks for hopping in

You are welcome

Self discovery is important and once we have done that, we can learn the things easily and effectively, I got impressed how discover yourself and learned things in your life.

Your story has taught me something different.
When I was in the university too, I always try to explain what I have read to my friends and this helps me to retain it.
Thanks for sharing this.

Wow this is very impressive. Self discovery matters in all things, it helps to bring out the best in oneself. I salute your courage!

I also learnt that the more you teach, the more you learn. This is why I value teaching job because you are always learning something on the go.
Everyone is different and so, we tend to catch up on something differently.

As they say, 'knowledge is liberating'. It's really cool to hear about your evolution from 'slow learner' to 'exemplary student'. Who would have thought you'd end up teaching others? That's a remarkable turnaround! Congratz