Always Trust in the Lord 🙏

in SublimeSundaylast month

This trust, trust, trust is a great word in which we know. Whatever we trust in, we tend to give our whole minds to that; we already have that confidence in that. I will always trust in the Lord; likewise, we all 🙏. Like we repeated the word in the church, I would always trust in the Lord; that is how I am urging us all to always put our whole hope in the Lord. He is the author and finisher of our faith and all our hopes; confidence should be in him.

Blessed is the man who has put his trust in the Lord. 🙏. The holy Bible is also reminding us all that blessed is the man, whoever he is, man, woman, young, or old, who has put his trust in the Lord. It is also reminding us that cursed is the man who puts his trust in man, as they would in one way or the other fail, but God Almighty would never ever fail us all.
If Christ did not rise from death, then his death would have been useless. May we be victorious in everything we are doing. 🙏. Our Lord Jesus Christ was condemned, scourged, crucified, died, buried, and on the third day he rose again from the dead and became victorious as he already gained victory. Victory in every battle in which we might be in comes from the Lord, and we hope to always be victorious. His death was never useless, and we are all saved by his mercy and grace and victorious.

Always Trust in the Lord he never disappoint in any situations in Life but he is ever faithful, ever ready to come to our aid and answer us all.

Image is mine.
We keep hoping for the best. 🙏
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Positivity is our watchword.


True talk trust in the lord

Yes 🥰🙏🙏

Is good thing to do trusting in the Lord

Indeed God is Faithful 🙏