Very good relationship with the coffee and the environment.

Very good relationship with the coffee and the environment..png

I remember that the year 2020 was a very hard time for many, among those people was my family, which I would not be able to abandon.

The situation was difficult because there was no work unless it was remote and that's what I had to do, I gathered all my hopes and desire to work and undertook a trip to my grandmother's house because at home there was no internet.

There I was forced to work day and night out of necessity and nothing else, I could not abandon my family, and by that time I was waiting late at night to work and my only ally and faithful companion was coffee.

I remember that I drank about 4 cups of coffee a day to be alert all day and to be able to work well, I was an addict, I admit it and my family did not support me in that, because they said that drinking a lot of coffee is bad or that if I did not get tired of drinking coffee all day.

I didn't feel understood, but I didn't pay attention to it either, because at the end of the day I bought and prepared the coffee myself.

My grandmother was the only one who accompanied me to drink coffee all day and one day she asked me:

Why do you drink so much coffee?
To which I replied: grandma, coffee has become my fuel and work companion and I don't plan to give it up, and in the evenings I accompany it with a couple of cigarettes to control my anxiety and not get depressed about this whole pandemic situation.

She told me she understood and supported me, I didn't need any negative feedback if not help.

I was glad I listened to her and stayed that way for months and managed to quit smoking but never coffee.

I have not yet had the opportunity to cause me any kind of date or outing with someone who does not like coffee.

Personally, if the person that accompanies me in some type of meeting or date, whoever that person is, does not like coffee, it is not something that bothers me.

In fact, if he doesn't like it is his problem, but as long as he lets me drink my coffee everything is fine with me, and it would be unfortunate if there is some kind of inconvenience because even the smell of coffee bothers him because I wouldn't stop drinking coffee for anyone.

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The best example is my partner and I, we both love coffee, but in a coffee shop she goes for cold coffees or lattes, smooth and sweet and I prefer strong coffees like a doppio or espresso.

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On our last date we went to a fancy restaurant that also prepares coffees and there is quite a large menu there, and I went for a coffee with whiskey cream, and she went for a frapuccino. She with a sweet smooth coffee and me with a strong coffee and both happy with that.

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.