"Hey girl, What's up?" Kiki's vibrant voice migrated through the phone to my ears.
"Hey babes, I'm good and chilling" I replied.
"Hmm, don't tell me you are cooped up indoors with no plans of having fun," She queried.
"Come on girl, I am having fun right here in my home".
"Catherine, that is no way to describe fun, okay. Now I've got some surprise for you and you better not refuse or else.."
"Wait, not another one of your surprises Kiki, I thought we were over this already?" I retorted back into the phone.
"I promise you Cathy, this surprise will be good for you. Hang on and let me Spill ok?"
"Okay, go ahead and blow me away" I replied half heartedly.
Twenty minutes later, Kiki managed to convince me to go on a blind date with a dude from her office.
Aarrrggghhh!, I screamed exasperatedly as I kept away my phone. Why can't I ever say no to Kiki!. I sucked up my discomfort since I had already promised her.
3pm, Friday afternoon brought Kiki to my doorstep. I noticed some bags with her and she told me she went girly shopping on my behalf, knowing that my wardrobe was lacking. I rolled my eyes and hit her head playfully which caused her to erupt in giggles, drawing me in as well.
After giggling to our hearts content, she sat me down in front of a mirror to create magic on my face and hair. When she was through with the make up and hair styling, she brought out an ultramarine blue sleeveless dinner gown. It was a beautiful dress 👗.
By 5pm, I was all done and ready to hit the road for this blind date. I paired my gown with a set of silver accessories to match.
"You look really beautiful girl" Kiki said as I walked out the door. I mouthed a thank you and blew her a kiss. She promised to stay at my place till I got back so she can get the full gist of the date as she sent me off.
I arrived at the restaurant on time and a waiter took me to the reserved table and I sat down to await my date. As if reading my mind, a man in a grey top walked in. He was tall and deliciously handsome. He could even pass for a model.
I found myself lost while staring, the mention of my name brought me back from my sweet reverie. "Hello Miss Catherine, I'm William. it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. You look ravishing".. He said with his hands extended for a handshake. I took his hand but he turned it to place a feather light kiss on the back of my palm. I blushed silly.
After the exchange of pleasantries, we began chatting. William's liveliness dispelled every sense of awkwardness. Then the waiter came to take our orders. I let William order food for the both of us but I specifically asked for a cup of coffee with cream and sugar to go with it. The waiter left to get our order for us but I felt a piercing gaze on me that caused my skin to crawl.
I lifted my eyes to see William giving me a disgusting look. Thinking that probably he was in discomfort, I asked the obvious "what is it, why are you looking at me that way"
He sat up straight and replied "so you are one of those coffee fanatics,huh?"
What do you mean by coffee fanatic? I asked him impatiently. "Those who can't do without taking coffee. I mean how do you guys stand the pungent smell. To be honest, I hate coffee. I cannot stand it's smell nor it's taste" he finally stopped talking. He probably didn't want to offend me but who was he kidding. From the moment he had an opinion about coffee, he had already stepped on my toe.
Staring at him with the same intensity, I sat up straight and said..
"Mr William, when you walked through those doors a while ago I thought you would be someone that I would be willing to take a chance with but hearing you spill such vile things about my favorite drink has shattered that impression. You've got no right to try and pin your opinion on me. So before I say something that I would regret, I will be taking my leave now. I can clearly see that we can't work. Thank you for the dinner date, good bye".
Before he could respond, I was already at the door. Luckily a taxi was in sight, I quickly took the taxi home. True to her words, Kiki was waiting for me.
"How did it ...go?" She stuttered after seeing my facial expression. "Can't you guess, the guy was a total jerk. He hates coffee and he had the guts to shove his opinion down my throat. I had to leave before I did something I would regret" I opened up to her.
She came to sit beside me and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry Cathy, I didn't know. If I did I wouldn't have asked you to go on a date with him. Knowing your love for coffee, his dislike for it is surely a deal breaker, sorry". She tried to soothe me. "Alright, I'm over it since I gave him an earful but promise me no more surprise blind dates again ok!"
"Ok princess, I hear you loud and clear" she responded with a British accent causing me to erupt in fits of laughter. The disappointment of the date clearly forgotten.
This Is my response to the #spillthebeanscoffee prompt #62.
Thank you all for reading.