Three to conjure them up! The Coffee Shop Prompt: Week 105 (Feb 20 - 26)

Many people would be surprised to know that a rather unruly spirit of adventure inhabits me. A rather wild spirit, of course...hehehehe!
I'm capable of drinking my coffee in a tsa without a handle, or in a jam jar, and enjoy it... I have drunk unforgettable coffees in the deep bush, in a coconut shell! But also, I must say, there are seemingly small things for some people that for me are very unpleasant.
The coffee spirits have asked me to say three to evoke them, to say three others that I love to conjure them up.
Here I go!

Three to conjure them up!


This photograph apparently has nothing to do with coffee, but I bring it to you so you can see that I am serious. This is what I look like in my witch outfit!

One thing I can point to first (and which I'm sure you all share with me) is the dirt. I don't have pictures of anywhere like that, because if I have stepped on one, I left immediately. That's why I love the limpid glass mugs or the classic white ceramic mugs.

Mugs that let you see their bottom. Mugs that allow for a very close shot.


Mugs that pleasantly surprise. The one in the photo is my friend Ramón Guerra, with him you can have the most interesting and friendly conversations, and he can tell you anecdotes that have happened to him on his many sea voyages.

Ramón sorprendido.png

Secondly, I will cite something that is not necessarily a problem for many people: noise.
I don't like noisy, crowded places, although I admit that this is also a matter of timing. I have spent nights of incredible joy with my friends in rather noisy bars (I almost posted some funny picture of a bar, but my wild spirit cringed).

In the following picture you can see a place I frequent a lot and where I have almost never sat down for a coffee. The café is good, it's close to me, the employees are as friendly as they can be in a very high traffic place, but it makes me dizzy.


I have never managed to isolate myself from the supermarket feeling to drink my coffee.

Whenever I have a choice, I will opt for a quiet place, preferably small (although it is not an absolute condition), but yes, acceptably quiet. If I am alone, my coffee is for me to have a moment with myself; if I am accompanied, my coffee is for conversation. I must be able to hear my companion.

In third place, without a doubt, light!
I understand that there are warm lightings and that there are environments with half light that can be attractive for many people. I myself love twilight. However, I like to see what I have in my mug. I will always choose lit coffee shops, where I can see the faces of my friends; where I can see the beautiful liquidity of my drink.
I know I have never again been encouraged to go to the cafe you see in the photograph below because my mood is ruined in that tunnel of darkness.


If it's worth mentioning, this wild-spirited witch, who can drink coffee in the bush in a totuma, likes clean, quiet and illuminated coffee shops and hates dirty, noisy and dark coffee shops.

The refined does not take away the wild, my grandmother would say!

taza antaño.png

Thanks for the company. You are always welcome.


Delicioso 📍

Gracias por pasar a leer mi post, @marabuzal . Me alegro de que te haya agradado.


Ah I wouldn't have guessed you had a witch's outfit (or looked so well in it!), Adriana! :O Lovely segway into the post. And I agree with you on the three points, chief among which the noisiness. I don't understand supermarket or mall cafes either! :)

Hahaha! I was at a Halloween dinner that one of my sisters hosted. We had a lot of fun and I improvised a costume. Regarding coffee shops, I think those are the things that make me not return to a place. Have a great day with good coffees, @honeydue !

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by:)

The image belongs to millycf1976.

Thank you for keeping open the opportunities to write about our passions.

What a wonderful day you have chitchat with your friend Ramon. A coffee shop that has a good light is very important because you can see what you are drinking and you would appreciate the art that the barista is giving you. And you would also see other people inside the cafe and maybe you can find familiar faces, too.

It is true. Also, since I live in a small town, I'm very likely to coincide with people I know.
I like well-lit places. If possible, with natural light coming in through doors and windows!

It's always a pleasure to read you friend, I love the pictures you take and that cappuccino looks great.

Barista friend! What a pleasure to have you here! If your expert eye approves, then I know I was right, and they serve great coffee there.