The tattooed princess and the one with long hair
Once upon a time, a short time ago, in a shopping mall very, very close to my house, there was a small coffee shop known throughout the city as Dulce Tentación (Sweet Temptation).
And its fame was true, because, besides providing an incredible coffee, with a delicious aroma, served in crystal cups like the purest crystal of the fairy castle, it happened that this store was attended by two nice and pleasant baristas. Of this couple, one was tattooed and the other had very long brown hair. Both have incredible genuine smiles and always kind words.

And this could be the beginning of a coffee story. It would be a good story, because it would be based on real life.
The coffee they serve at Sweet Temptation is excellent and its appearance speaks for itself, as you can see in the photograph.
The princesses in this story are two smiling girls from my city. Their names: Maria Daniela and Josmary.
As they are friendly girls, not only for professional reasons, but by nature, I always make some conversation with them, and I always come back to this café. If I have to have a meeting or want to have a coffee with a friend, I try to go there. Not only because the coffee is excellent and well prepared, but also because María Daniela and Josmary are warm, friendly and professional, without affectation.
Maria Daniela sums up for these two young baristas the commitment that binds them to their craft. She got this charming little tattoo. She allowed me to photograph it and I know that she is training to make high merits to what they represent.

And since they are that kind of people and I've been there a few times, it's easy to talk to them. They are not very personal or deep topics, and they are brief and casual conversations, but they are always pleasant. We've talked a lot about macchiato and how to get that spot of milk on the meniscus of the coffee. We've also talked about how the female audience tends to prefer milk blends over black coffee (I prefer espresso or doppio), and they appreciate that I appreciate their coffee. We talked, of course, about coffee beans.

The coffee they use comes from Caripe, a town in the state of Monagas, in eastern Venezuela; but it is not only good because of its origin, but also because of the selection, roasting and storage: the beans arrive at the café shop with a uniform roasting, in whole and perfectly smooth beans, with all their aroma. We talk about coffee most of the time, but also about the climate and their rewarding work as mothers of little girls who love pink ribbons for their hair. Although my daughter is a grown woman, these little dialogues allow me to relive delightful moments with my own daughter. That is priceless.

Today, chatting with Josmary on my way to the supermarket, I found out what brought these two young baristas together with a guy named Samuel, also a barista, who frequents the store. Samuel has been their teacher.
In every fairy tale there is always someone who fulfills the function of helping the protagonists reach their destinies and overcome their trials. Undoubtedly, in this real life fairy tale Samuel would be this character.
He taught these two beautiful and talented young women to make magnificent coffees and to appreciate his trade as an art, even when he was very young.
This chain of friendships through the coffee trades between such young people making their way through life truly touches me.
My next coffee there will be a eulogy for the youth that overcomes itself.

All photographs were taken by me at Café Dulce Tentación.