FungiFriday||Take a moment and go on an adventure to find mushrooms on the plantation🍄🍄.

in FungiFridaylast month

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

Hello all my friends.

How are you all today, I hope you are all healthy and happy.

As usual, in this meeting I want to entertain all my friends in the #FungiFriday community with some mushroom pictures that I found.

My friend!!
Thursday, February 12 in the afternoon, after I finished my daily activities, namely gardening, I took a moment to look for any mushrooms that I could get. And my destination was a private plantation, considering that my garden which contains oil palms, bananas, and fallen areca palms will make some mushrooms grow.

My friend!!
I feel satisfied with this mushroom search, because I can get several types of mushrooms, as you can see in the first picture in this post, that is the result of the mushroom findings this time.

  • The first mushroom I found was the oil palm mushroom, this mushroom is one type of mushroom that can be eaten and its shape is like a hat and its size can reach a diameter of up to 20 cm and is white to yellowish.

  • a few moments later, I found the second mushroom, this mushroom was black with a very hard texture, it had grown on the areca nut tree that I had cut down, even when I looked closely this mushroom almost looked like fruit 😁

  • the next mushroom I found was a mushroom shaped like a large leaf, this mushroom was very large, even on top of this mushroom I found again the life of small ants living comfortably because of the abundance of food, truly nature presents infinite beauty.

  • after taking some pictures, I continued my search, and I found again a white rot decomposing mushroom, this mushroom was very abundant, and on average it grew on fallen areca nut trees.

  • finally I was satisfied with the results of today's mushroom hunt, but on the way back to the rest area I found another mushroom, this time the White Ear Mushroom, this mushroom was white and very clear like jelly.

Okay my friends, below are some pictures that I have taken, and a little explanation, hopefully you are all entertained and like what I share at this meeting.

This is the place where I look for mushrooms, as well as my private plantation. Inside there are several palm, areca nut and banana trees, so it attracted my attention to look for mushrooms here.

The first mushroom I found, look my friend, even this mushroom is almost similar to my gebuk, and this mushroom is edible.

Then, the second mushroom that I found had a very hard texture, and was covered in black powder, the powder could even be seen sticking to my hand.

This mushroom is very big, even on top of it there are small ants living, nature is really amazing my friend 🤗

This mushroom is a mushroom that I often find, because almost all fallen areca nut trees have this mushroom.

The same mushroom growing in different places.

And on the way home, I found mushrooms again, these mushrooms had a jelly-like texture and were pure white in color. And this was the end of my adventure to find mushrooms at this meeting.

Okay my friends, I thank you for reading my post, I hope you all are entertained and like it, and this is purely my writing with a little help from Google Translate, I also took the pictures using my personal cellphone with a little editing using LR. See you at the next meeting ....

About the author

Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum, is my hobby.


It looks so easy for you to find those mushroom. hahah
be careful, don't let the black mushroom grow on your hands, as the spore look to stick on the plan of your hand. hahah

Thank you for stopping by, my brother. Finding mushrooms in my area is a bit easy because my village is located a bit far from the city, but it is very enjoyable here.


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Thank you

Thank you for the notification @hivewatchers,I really appreciate it, and have a nice day.🤗🤗

Thanks, you too.