They Bloomed!
Now these I almost missed last night! I almost did!
Frankly if not for the sandstorm I would not have noticed them sticking their proud heads out!
This is one of those plants where I for sure am going to stack one in my hard! For sure! Might even break a big piece from this one out to replant at the new place!
Oh you're going to love this!
Now That Is A Sight!
Definitely a sight to behold right! The sad part about these is that once they open up they fall ripe really really fast!
So by the next morning if you're not up early enough you might be left with saggy looking photos! It's not something you desire for a photo op!
That's why I thought I would rather put on my boots and walk over to the parents house in the dead of night to capture this beautifull sight!
I had to take them with the wide camera view but that isn't all that bad right? The normal view would have added a great deal of detail more but we can work with what we have right!
Gentle Giants!
You'd think for such a large flower you'd not have to work carefull at all but you do!
Those leaves crack so fast and then they start to bleed out!
From what I've read they open up at night because bats polinate them or something of the sorts! I can be wildly incorrect but it does make some sense since bees don't fly at night Laughs!
If I had a choice and a hella big piece of ground that I owned I would line these up around the border of the place! EVERYWHERE!
For those who have seen something similar knows that it's a hell of a sight to behold!
For the next one I see blooming I am going to drive out to a place where I know there are hundreds of them sticking out on the cactai! HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS!
They really look so soft and silky right! I can't get over how beautifull they are! They sure as hell feel silky to the touch as well!
Let's hope that we can capture those rows and rows soon enough, although I think it'll be a couple of months before that happens!

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