A Successfull Failure!
Yesterday's adventure proved to be somewhat of a success! Well only because we had something in the pipeline for in case we had a failure! Did we have a failure?
Well yes we did!
Nothing too major though, we wanted to, or rather I really wanted to do the beer tasting at "Salty River Beer Garden" but as it happened to be they were closed!
It did come as sort of a surprise and also not! The reason I say this is because heck we are in the prime of the holiday season and that is the time small places as such have to dig deep and scoop as much as they can carry because during the year this area is relatively quiet. So it doesn't make sense, I mean even the butchery was open??? Although I do admire them for not selling their souls for a few worthless pennies!
We will try again today and if that is a failure, well then it will really be the "Wine Tasting Adventure" for today! If that fails we shall go to the beach! The day does look "somewhat" promising. Either or if all else fails at-least we know the beach ain't going nowhere!
The Day Wasn't Lost At All Though!
After we saw that "Salty River Beer Garden" was well closed we decided to head down to "The Rustic Dog" to grab something to eat and drink of-course!
After the hype for a beer we just had to have a beer whether it be brewed or shelf beer we didn't care at that point! Although we did go there with the plan to eat some fish and we ended up delighting ourselves with some fresh pizza!
Nothing beats a pizza right? Except beer tasting of-course!
The Adventure Only Just Started!
The next stop after "The Rustic Dog" was to be "Brothers Coffee Roastery!"
After a pizza and a beer some nice coffee really would have gone down smoothly! But not any coffee it had to be from the "Brothers Roastery!"
The real reason we went there was of-course to get that amazing hot chocolate they sell! If I have to convert the price to USD it was ten dollars for a 1KG pack of hot chocolate. I'm not sure if that is absurd or not in terms of dollars but for how delicious it is I'd pay double the price in my native currency!
This time I didn't go home with just hot chocolate but I also got the "Christmas Coffee Blend" they sold! That was a little more expensive though but well worth it! The Betty got the hot chocolate and I got the coffee!
The hot chocolate was R180 and the coffee was R320 (ZAR) that alone added up to R500 and that didn't even include what we drank there! I don't mind spending money on my vacation at all since I've waited the entire year for this! But things have gotten real expensive!
The Plans For Today?
Well I don't really want to say because I'm not sure what place will be open and which not! But let's hope on the "Salty River Beer Garden" to be open today!
I am dying for a "Beer Tasting Adventure!" If that fails I'll be prodding myself over to some wine farm in hopes of a "Wine Tasting Adventure" if that fails again! Well then I think I should be giving up on the idea of tasting anything other than sea water in my mouth!
Dated 02/01/2023

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