Is water scare in your region too?

in Proof of Brain2 months ago


I like water a lot. In fact, my friend, Nora calls me Fish. If you call me a mermaid, you wouldn't be far from the truth. Except, of course, I am not fair-skinned.

On a very happy day, I make sure I bathe with two buckets of water. I love the way, the water flows from my neck down to the rest of my body. It's pure ecstasy for me.

My neighbor makes fun of me if I don't bathe more than one bucket in a short bath. I deliberately make sure I have an excuse to bathe more than two times a day.

So today, when I read an article here, and someone said they manage water in his country. I was shocked.

I told him this same story, and another human came around and told me, we are lucky to have access to water that much. He said, in one household, it’s depressing to think about water. And that one household gets 50 liters of water daily. They divide this into 5 buckets, 10 liters for each individual for a day.

Oh no! I don't think I can survive with just 10 liters of water every day. Washing bathroom and toilet, I use lots of water for every process. That's scrubbing, washing off the soap foams, and finally drying out.

After washing the bathroom, I use two more buckets to bathe. Imagine, being restricted on the usage of water, I don't know if I would be able to live with that. I know even if I feel I have access to more water than anyone else, there are people who don't.

I use to imagine, how people survive by buying water on a daily basis. And if you are in this situation, you will be able to relate more than anyone else.

Watching most people come to fetch water at home, and most times don't have money to pay, makes me cringe with fear.

As it stands, dad will always get angry if we waste water, and I never knew why. We prefer to have water running to rinse plates than to pour a portion into a basin for use.

As I am writing this, the experience still sounds weird to me. I don’t want to believe it.

Yes, water is life, but some people find it difficult to access this resource. I apologize to anyone who struggles to have water. I never knew it was a privilege to be able to use even a single bucket every day.

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