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RE: Are you a Blogger or a Programmer?

in Proof of Brain28 days ago

Very good article! In my case, I started learning web development with HTML and CSS, but I already had experience with HTML thanks to the forums.
I would like to make a clarification: both HTML and Markdown are not programming languages, but markup languages.

HTML structures content on the web, while Markdown facilitates writing without the need for complex code.


Thanks very much for your comments.

You've raised a very interesting debate about the classification of HTML as a programming language. In particular, it's widely discussed on Reddit, StackOverflow, and lots of other forums. As I discovered when I searched for, "are html and markdown programming languages".

That led me to searching for, "what is the definition of a programming language". But I couldn't quickly find a generally agreed definition. However, the Britanicca encyclopedia page for computer programming language is interesting to me. Because it includes a section about markup languages. Which suggests to me that markup languages are a type of programming language.

Certainly, in my career as a freelancer, most agencies included HTML as a programming skill.

Anyway, my best find from my searching was Are HTML And CSS Considered Real Programming Languages. I love the level of detail in this article. With links to more good stuff than I have time to read. But my favourite part, in this context, is their conclusion:

Ultimately, the best answer to the debate over whether or not HTML/CSS are legitimate programming languages is: “Does it really matter?”

Anyway, the most interesting thing about our interchange is that I've found your
So I'm going for a quick look around there now.