POBphoto Contest New Round: COLD My Entry

in Proof of Brain2 months ago

Hello everybody,

Yeah, we are in the other side of the World experiencing warmer temperature,no snow here in the Philippines. I haven't touched the snow. How I wish! I only experienced catching ice cubes during the hale in Australia wayback in 1995. So, fun to catch them. But, our sponsor was afraid we can catched bigger one.

As for now, here is my picture entry. A strawberry shake I do love to sip. After sipping, when it enter my body, oh, la, la nice feeling the cold distributed throughout my body.


This is usually my order when we unwind at Siargao Seaview Cafe, about one hour drive from our house.

Grateful to @friendlymoose for this contest.

Thanks for dropping by...



Wow! I live strawberry shake too!

Yeah, so yummy!