Learn to laugh at your misery..

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

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Laughing at your own misery brings a feeling of happiness despite the fact that things aren't looking extraordinary. I might want to share a point in my life where Laughter at my absolute bottom caused me to feel better.

I was doing a task where I was unable to save anything , 100% of the check went to bills and supporting family. All of a sudden the work laid me off something I never expected in my life would occur. Not just that prior in the year I was determined to have an uncommon Brain condition which added to my misery. Being the provider of my family I felt embarrassed to reveal to them I was laid off and maintained it mystery two or three weeks.

The cash was running out and I had - 50 in financial balance. I was thinking " wow things are just deteriorating", " I need to mention to them what's going on". I chose to get an espresso from a close by bistro and both Mastercards were declined. The Barista was adequately benevolent to give me the espresso for nothing. So now I'm at a recreation center drinking this free espresso and wow did it taste so great.

Out of nowhere a Seagull drops a monstrous poop all over and everywhere on my shirt. I didn't understand bird poos could be that huge! Now 1,000,000 things are going through my brain .

What I did was startling, I just began blasting out in giggling rather than tears and outrage for 5 minutes in a row. As the recreation center attendees were strangely strolling by this huge odd man laughing madly with bird poo everywhere all over and body.

One park attendee even inquired as to whether I was alright and inquired as to whether I required a rescue vehicle. I advised her courteously " Let me appreciate this second". Never did I feel so extraordinary even with all the misery that was encompassing me.

I understood without even a second's pause that we put this pointless focus on ourselves when life is intended to be delighted in. The bird pooing on me was my revelation that things are just going to improve from that point on.

Regardless of whether you feel everything in life is mounting upon you , sit down back and simply giggle as chuckling is the remedy for your soul...

Posted via proofofbrain.io