White city or TRASH city: Trapped by garbage for #POBPhotocontest

in Proof of Brain2 months ago

When someone asks me, what is my favorite season, my answer usually confuses them.

Because if I'm in nature, outside the city, my favorite season is spring, summer or autumn.

And when I'm in the city, it's winter and that part of it, when it snows and when my city, Belgrade (Beograd, Beo=White, Grad=city), can really be proud of its name...
I posted some photos of my neighborhood when it snows and everything gets white in this post.

And when the snow starts to melt, all the culture, or rather all the non-culture of our society, all the dirt and garbage that is scattered around comes to light.

Papers, cans, plastic bottles and glasses, glass, bags, pieces of clothing, various leaflets and magazines...

My dear fellow citizens, because of how they behave towards their surroundings, I don't like them at all!

Unbelievable, but even next to the placed bins in the park, on the grass and sidewalks, you can see thrown garbage.

Containers and bins for waste separation and recycling stand there and call on my neighbors to act more responsibly towards our environment by properly disposing of garbage, but it's not worth it.
Garbage was thrown right next to the bin.

I feel trapped by the garbage, like I'm behind bars...

That annoys me a lot.

I once had an argument with my mother, who threw a chewing gum wrapper out the window of the car I was driving. "Well, it's just a little piece of paper," she said. "Mom, you throw away one small piece of paper, someone third another, someone tenth another... and out of almost two million of us, our streets are like a landfill".
She understood what I wanted to say, but there was really no point in stopping the car to get the same piece of paper back. And she wanted...

And I was the most pissed off when I saw the municipal policeman throwing a crumpled, empty pack of cigarettes onto the lawn. then I honked my horn at him from the car, and he looked at me with his dull, beefy look and I believe he didn't understand what I was trying to tell him by honking at him.
Instead of writing fines to those who litter the streets and parks, he does the same...

And another situation was when I had a younger friend who lives in Switzerland as a guest.
We were walking around city, and he, after finishing his drink, left the can on the sidewalk.
I stopped, called him to come back and asked him why he did that. "Well, there is no bin for 50 meters and what do I care, this is not Switzerland, so I can get a fine for that."
Frowning and with an angry look, I threatened him: "Take this can and carry it for 500 meters if necessary, until you reach a bin or container or put it in your pocket and carry it home to the garbage can... Fuck you Switzerland , little cunt. If you dirty it and treat it like that, I'll be your judge, you'll get a beating from me!"

He got scared and threw his trash where it should be, and my girlfriend told me: "You're messing around and trying for nothing. If everyone here was like you, Belgrade would be like a city in Switzerland or Slovenia, and not like some dirty town."

And I will do it as long as I live!
I will warn everyone, known or unknown, who pollutes our (my) city, I will always sort my garbage and prepare it for recycling, and I will never, ever throw away what is in my hand outside the bin.

Let these pictures in the #POBPhotocontest be a reminder of how not to behave and whether you are older or younger, you should take care of your surroundings.
With a little effort or just attention, you leave your environment, yourself, your children, grandchildren, and all future generations in a much better condition, the planet we live on. If we all behaved like that, we wouldn't have to start the #CleanPlanet actions here on Hive and we could all brag about the beauty and cleanliness of our planet.


These photos remind me of my city where if you're far enough away everything looks fine, but once you walk closer, you can see the disrespect with trash being dropped everywhere.

That's why I was so surprised at how clean th city in Germany that I lived in was. Turns out they have little machines that chop up metal and plastic bottles in supermarkets and pay you nicely for each one that you bring in.

Unlike here in litterbug city, USA. I found Germany (and Europe in general) to be much cleaner overall. It's our world to live in, so we might as well kep it clean. Thank you for doing your part. :)

I visited places in the region where different nationalities live, and for one in particular, I saw that garbage bags were being thrown out the window. In some other areas, they make wild dumps out of garbage and waste from their houses and throw large waste into the river.
Also, in some regions, everything is much cleaner, as you say in Germany... An example is Slovenia, which has the title of the cleanest country in the world.
To the people, customs, education and culture is.