in CLEAN PLANET3 months ago

It's a new day to feel on top of the world again. Lol. Na, ain't feeling on top of anything but just grateful for the good, the bad and the ugly that has happened to me ever since the advent of this year, 2023.

I love this year, I learnt, I cried, did I cry? I don't think so, but then, I was sad, I was broken due to failed plans and failed investments, but I came back with lots of experience to begin the new year.

How would this year go? Welp, I don't know, but one thing I know how to do best is to make plans and hope that the year goes in line with my plans. I know too well that it will never do that Sha.

So, think about it, what do you hope to achieve this year? Have you mapped out your plans? What's your new year resolution? Or do you want to sit back, relax and allow life carry you to anywhere it see fit? That's equally nice, but then get jealous of best yourself up when you see other people, your friends, or the people you are older than, make money and become big in this year.

The ball is with you, you have to play it anywhere you want, but then, remember that, when you make your bed clean in the morning, you will come back in the evening, to a nicely prepared bed, free from any form of dirt. Conversely, if you don't make your bed in the morning, it's either you sleep on it as dirty as it is, or, you come back from a stressful day, and start making your bed.

Happy new year in advance












Hello @nwothini335

You said very good things in your post.
No one knows what is going to happen in this new year but we have to make hopes and plans so that we can move forward.
The rule of the world is that you will get what you give, if you do good then good and if you do bad then bad.
You are doing great work for clean planet, keep doing it.

Stay connected brother !!

Yes it's a good thing to rethink about our past and make better plans for the future. See you in 2025

Happy new year

Thanks, wishing you more success in 2025.