Especially in my area people are just leaving carelessly throwing litter and dust on footpath on the road instead of throwing it in dustbin, what can it remove from one body if one patiently dropped the litter and dust in dusbin.
I wish there should be low governing my area because the rate of carelessness is getting out of hand to the extend somebody will gather dirty in nylon and throw it on the footpath, for goodness sake who do the expect to be parking it for them.
That is how when passing one will be seeing garbage everywhere.
How can we reduce pollution when our environment is not always clean when it is our careless living that attract diseases and many more
And that is why people are affected by the way we welcome the diseases through our careless living.
Indeed is our duty to keep our planet clean.
Thank you @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture @resonator