Colour / Black&White||Some interesting nature pictures

How are you all my friends?

Hello my friends, meet me again in this amazing community. On this occasion, I want to entertain all my friends in this community with some amazing pictures of nature.

My friends!!
Nature is so beautiful, some of the pictures are really amazing, sometimes without us realizing it, we are the ones who damage the natural ecosystem. Therefore, on this occasion, I want to look for some pictures that I found in nature and coincidentally, the pictures that I bring on this occasion are three different types of pictures.

Okay, my friends, below are some of the pictures. Hopefully, you are all entertained and like what I share at this meeting. See you at the next meeting.

  • This picture is a picture of a wild flower that I found while I was doing my daily activities. When I first saw it, I was interested because of its unique shape, then I decided to take some pictures of it.

And below is a comparison of black and white.

  • The next picture is a picture of a mushroom. I found this mushroom in a rotten banana diaper. I was interested because it was very small.

And below is the comparison

  • And the last picture is a picture of a grasshopper, if you pay close attention you can conclude that this grasshopper is dead, and that is true.I thought when I first saw him I thought he was still alive, but after holding him, it turned out he was dead.

Below is the black and white version

Camera usedHandphone
Lens64 mp
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyColour / Black&White

About the author

Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Like taking pictures, but not a professional photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum is my hobby.
