[Esp/Eng] La sombra del gato / The shadow of the cat

in GEMS21 days ago


Reflejo tenebroso

      A propósito de la conmemoración del Día de los Fieles Difuntos, recuerdo una anécdota que me ocurrió cuando era niño; mi madre, ferviente creyente católica, se acostumbró a encender una vela todos los lunes por las almas de los familiares y amigos fallecidos para que su luz iluminara su camino al cielo. Mi madre, además de la vela, se arrodillaba a rezar, pidiendo a Dios que les ayudara a salir del purgatorio.

      Uno de esos lunes de vigilia y oración, fui al baño de mi casa donde estaba encendida la vela. En el momento en que me disponía a encender la luz, vi una sombra que pasaba frente a mí. ¡Susto! Sentí un sobresalto recorrer mi cuerpo y me quedé petrificado hasta que vi al gato de la casa salir del baño.

      Resulta que el felino pasó frente a la vela y su sombra agrandada se reflejó en el pasillo y la pared. Casi muero del susto.

The shadow of the cat

      Regarding the commemoration of All Souls' Day, I remember an anecdote that happened to me when I was a child; my mother, a fervent Catholic believer, got used to lighting a candle every Monday for the souls of deceased relatives and friends so that its light would light their path to heaven. My mother, in addition to the candle, knelt down to pray, asking God to help them get out of purgatory.

      One of those Mondays of vigil and prayer, I went to the bathroom in my house where the candle was lit. At the moment I was about to turn on the light, I saw a shadow that passed in front of me. Fright! I felt a shock run through my body and I was petrified until I saw the house cat come out of the bathroom.

      It turns out that the cat passed in front of the candle and its enlarged shadow was reflected in the hallway and the wall. I almost died of fright.



Most people always think that animal is meant to be used by evil and I wonder why

Hello @zico20 Greetings from Venezuela. Thanks for your comment 👍. You're right; however, I didn't think it was the cat but a ghost hahaha because the candle light 🕯️ reflected it more giant and scary hahaha. Oh, and I was a child, my imagination created the monsters hahaha

Lols ...
You are welcome from Nigeria..
It's always like to see something usual for the first time.
I am impressed with your post .