Cooking Your Food At Home Vs Eating Out

in GEMS2 months ago

Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗

The practice of cooking your own meals is one that many people prefer than eating out due to the facts that it is cost-effective, healthy and more importantly improve our cooking skills. Well, many people still find cooking to be a stressful and boring task even with the abundance of benefits that is attached to it.

Their reasons may be considered when you look at the overall process such as going to the market or supermarket, prepping the things you buy, washing dirty dishes, standing for hours when you have a lot to cook, etc. So, cooking can be said to be loved by some and to others its a daunting task that they sometimes have no choice but to do.

I dislike cooking so much when I was much younger, I pretend to be asleep whenever it was time to cook but eventually my mother will still wake me up from my supposed fake sleep. This habit became a part of my lifestyle even when i was in the University. I will prefer to eat junks or fast food instead of cooking the food items I had in my shelve. On the few occasions when i decided to lit my gas I will prefer to cook meals that will get done in less than 5-10 minutes such as noodles and spaghetti.

But I had a different orientation as i grow older when i started making money for myself. I discovered that I spend less when I cook homemade food than when I buy food outside. The food that I cook at home that cost me less to prepare will serve me more than the expensive one i bought in a restaurant. So, as someone who have started making budget on how to spend her money, i had to reconsider my options.

Also, in respect to hygiene I believe I have total and absolute control of the food I prepare at home. I add the right quantity of spice, seasoning, salt, protein and so on. Also when you prepare your meals by yourself you're sure you are using fresh ingredients and not some ingredients that are preserved for long-term purpose.

In addition to all the aforementioned, I have also improved my cooking skills. I watch cooking videos online to improve the meals that I know how to prepare before and I also learn new ones from different cultures. For instance, I learnt how to cook the popular soup from the Western part of Nigeria peculiar to the Yoruba - Gbegiri and Ewedu soup from online and it has become a part of my cooking timetable.

Cooking has also had a positive effect on my self-esteem. Imagine preparing a pot of jollof rice or a particular soup for your family or friends that came visiting and they keep complementing you on how good the food is. This will surely making you feel good and do better next time. Good words have a way of making us happy from within and boosting our self-esteem.

Some people have the financial capacity to eat three square meals at a restaurant throughout the year, so it may not be a problem for them. Some eat out because of the nature of their jobs - maybe they are busy at work and have little or no time to start preparing a meal. Regardless of your choice of eating homemade meals or eating out at a restaurant, know the best choice for you and do what works best for you.

Thanks for your time.


@tipu curate