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Happy Sunday Great Hivers! It's my first time to participate in this contest. Even though I have watched from.a close distance how this contest has taken this great platform and has become prominent,I just want to be sure of the procedures before jumping at it. I never knew it will come this soon except for the quote as inscribed by @tripode
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller
From the foregoing, it may not be an easy task to divulge what the best and most beautiful things in life could be to an individual who those not have a circumcised heart in that you will have to use hammer and chisel to make a hole into their consciousness to be able to drive home a point.
However, the best and most beautiful things in life comes from the heart. The state on an individual's heart describes his personality and how he/she perceives an idea. The human heart is the central processing unit when thoughts are processed before they become actions. If you're able to tame your heart and make it a centre of beautiful reasoning, your outward reactions too would come out beautiful.
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Everyone's heart knows what it feels. The English Standard version of the Holy Bible say in Proverbs chapter four verse twenty-three:
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life
Conclusively, material possessions isn't enough to measure what beauty live has got.
Dear readers, make your heart the fountain of good thought and reasoning, there lies the best and beautiful feelings of life.
I invite @merit.ahama and @projectmamabg to participate in this contest.