The 100-Day Project, Day 39: More Gardening on the Menu, Less Creativity

in GEMS11 months ago

Welcome to day 39 of the 100-Day Project! And welcome to Good Friday and the Easter holiday weekend!

From a series I did for the Solstice, a couple of years ago.

Woke up to a beautiful and sunny spring day today... which told me that it would be likely that creativity would take a back seat to gardening. After all, we don't get that many nice days this time of the year, so whenever we do get one we have to seek the opportunity and go work outside.

So I was not entirely surprised that it was just past sunset before I was actually able to sit down at my creative space and start working on something. And were it not for the fact that my wife is out of town until tomorrow night — meaning that I was able to grab a quick bite from the fridge rather than make dinner — I probably wouldn't have gotten around to anything creative today. End of story.

Retreat stone of the day

Day 39 Stone Painting:

Continuing with the work pattern I have followed so far: I started the day with painting another stone for the "Retreat Stone" project. I am now about halfway done!

Painting so many very similar stones is starting to get a little bit monotonous now, and it is reminding me a bit of my very first commission from many years ago when I painted 106(!) stones as little "remembrance gifts" for every guest at a wedding!

Today's Retreat Stone is pictured above.

Setting up for the spiral design

Once I had that finished, I turned to the second of the two pale blank stones I picked out yesterday and tried to figure out what direction I wanted to go with it.

I tend to be a little more thoughtful with these pale stones because they're so difficult to find in paintable quality, and I also really like how they turn out... so I pay attention!

Moving along nicely

I ended up going with a spiral type design, something I experimented with a little bit last year and then forgot about because both of the experiment stones sold at one of our Christmas shows.

In the end, I think it turned out quite nicely. The blue works quite well with a little bit of gold and black.

All done!

Day 39 Summary and Social Media Bits:

Finished TWO new stones today: A decent Retreat Stone, and a nice pale stone for summer stock. At this point I have to say that I am pretty happy I decided to undertake this marathon project!

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Did an Easter Weekend/Spring post.
Daily Facebook Page post: Fail. My photo editor froze, and I didn't have the bandwidth left for a reboot.
Daily Instagram post: Check. A photo post featuring a Chakra set from last year.

Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; a decent day, all in all... a little sore from gardening. Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

Day 39 completed; Been watching videos about selling art online, and seems like a lot of people don't really like the mass marketing sites like eBay and Etsy... not sure what to think, anymore.

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

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