The 100-Day Project, Day 31 — Keeping on Keeping on; Finish Work This Weekend?

in GEMS11 months ago

Day 31 of the 100-Day Project! The one-third mark of this little exercise is rapidly drawing closer.

This large stone, from a couple of years ago, was also what I featured on twitter/X today

At least one positive outcome of this endeavor will be that the HivePower of this account will likely double as a result of the regular participation. Not sure I'm building much of a following here — it's very monotone content, after all — but I'm happy at the prospect that my little "savings account" here is growing!

Today was a rather gray and drizzly day, so the temptation to go outside and work on the garden and spread our newly arrived topsoil was close to zero.

Today's addition to the "retreat stone" order

Day 31 Stone Painting:

I have to admit that I am starting to really enjoy the daily creative part of the challenge! I'm starting to feel the same level of enthusiasm for creating I had about 10 years ago when Alchemy Stones were really starting to "take off" and I was starting to build a fairly respectable online business.

I started today's efforts with painting another stone for the retreat order. I'm glad I get to at least incorporate minor variations in these stones. The end result from today is pictured above.

In a green mood today!

Since everything is such a lush green outside my creative space window, I decided to work with shades of green today.

This will also become a Heart Chakra Stone, for the purpose of classification, when we go to shows, later in the year.

With all this painting, I am starting to run very low on decent blank stones. A trip out to the ocean shores is likely to be in order, sometime during the next few weeks.

The colors are a little closer, in person...

I'm doing "OK" for now, and there's always the option of picking local beaches... but the "good" stones are far scarcer here than about an 80-mile drive from here. Locally, I can probably find 10-15 good stones on a day long outing. Out at the coast, I can get maybe 500 in half a day.

It's a nice day trip, anyway!

Today;s finished Heart Chakra Stone

Day 31 Summary and Social Media Bits:

Finished TWO new stones today: Continuing to work on the large order for the women's retreat... 8-of-30 now completed, then painting a pretty nice stone in shades of green, good for summer stock.

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Basic single stone post, featuring a larger piece from a ways past. Looking forward to finishing the current batch so I can add new work to the stream!
Daily Facebook Page post: Fail. Out of time/got too late.
Daily Instagram post: Check. Did a nature-related post, this time.

Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; hoping my art supplies place sends me a coupon, since I have a shopping cart full of stuff, but haven't actually bought anything yet; Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

Day 31 completed; regardless of whether or not this is getting easier and more natural to do, I nonetheless really struggle to get these posts completed much sooner than midnight. Which is a sure sign that this project has established itself as an "in addition to" endeavor, not an "instead of" one. Not sure how I feel about that...

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

2024.03.21 AS-TXT-224/194


Good to hear you're "starting to really enjoy the daily creative part of the challenge".

I'm always interested in hearing about your stone finding expeditions. Taking pebbles/stones from the beach here is illegal!

Around here, whether it is legal or illegal to remove stones depends on the location. There are all sorts of state and municipal laws relating to whether it's public land or private land, and also whether you are picking the stones from below the average tide line. For example, a private beach is only private to the median tide line. Below that, it's state/federal land, and the determinant becomes whether it's a protected beach.

Yes, it's complicated!

The place on the Pacific coast that we like to go to is actually First Nations land. That has its own set of rules. In this case, we have permission from the tribal administration to pick up stones, primarily because I gifted one to the Tribal Elder who came along one time to ask what we were doing!

Gosh. That does sound complicated.

In the UK it'sillegal to remove any natural material such as sand and pebbles from public beaches under the Coastal Protection Act 1949. (And no, I didn't know the actual law off the top of my head I had to Google it). 😂

Having permission from the tribal administration to pick up stones sound perfect given what you are using them for.

Having permission from the Quileute Nation is definitely cool, and it adds to the whole "mystical" aspect of the stones. We don't exactly use it as a "selling point," but it quickly silences any "You're not allowed to do that!" busybodies.