The 100-Day Project, Day 30 — Resting a Bit, but Also Creating!

in GEMS11 months ago

Day 30 of the 100-Day Project... and yes, I am rather sore, today!

I actually have an old back injury from my childhood, and in latter years it lets itself be know whenever I overdo things a bit... as I did yesterday, with our topsoil delivery.

A larger stone from a couple of years ago

Of course, that doesn't keep me from engaging in largely sedentary things like painting stones and writing!

I am being rather "strict" with my schedule for this challenge, and there's a good reason for that: I'm fundamentally a pretty lazy person. As such, having to adhere to a very set schedule with daily boxes that have to be checked off, and then activities summarized and documented in a somewhat "public" journal like this blog is just about the only way I know to keep myself consistently on track.

I'm just hopeful that there will be some lingering effects after having done this for 100 days!

Another stone for the "retreat order" done!

Day 30 Stone Painting:

Actually felt pretty good to sit down and do some creative work today... once I found a comfortable position for my weary bones!

First order of the day was to paint another stone for the retreat order, which went surprisingly quickly and smoothly. The finished stone is pictured above.

You can vaguely see the "lump" an fissures at about the 10:30 position from the center,

Then I decided to tackle one of my "difficult" blank stones.

This one is extremely smooth and perfect from a painting surface perspective, but it has a small "lump" on one side, we a couple of shallow fissures that worried me a bit.

of course, the initial painting was fine, but it was a little trickier once I reached the lumpy bit. But it worked out pretty well.

So far, so good. Just getting to the edge of the fissures.

I've learned that whenever I have one of these "problem spots" I need to make the paint mix almost "pasty" thick so there's virtually no chance it will run into the cracks.

All in all, I was pretty happy with the outcome, and it adds yet another item to spring/summer show and festival season.

The finished painted stone. Actually hard to tell that there was a "problem" in painting this.

Day 30 Summary and Social Media Bits:

Finished TWO new stones today: Continuing to work on the large order for the women's retreat... 7-of-30 now completed. Additionally, painting another medium sized stone for stock.

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Basic single stone post. Up to 120 followers!
Daily Facebook Page post: Check. Basic one image post.
Daily Instagram post: Check. Another single image post.

Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; paid my Etsy fee bill... seems like $15.00 for nothing; Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

Day 30 completed; spent a little more time reviewing possibilities for an Alchemy Stones "image refresh."

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

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Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

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