Arrastrando los pies, el anciano se dirigió a la cocina y detrás de él, el animal lo seguió como si fuera su sombra. Encendió la estufa y luego miró por la ventana:
_¿A qué hora ella vendrá a buscarme, campeón? Creo que se ha olvidado de nosotros. -puso un tarro con agua sobre la hornilla. Luego caminó hasta la silla más cercana y se echó en ella como que si le pesara el alma. El animal se acostó a sus pies y puso la cabeza en el piso.
_Hoy es 31 de diciembre, campeón -suspiró- ¿Cuándo fue que ella dijo que volvería? -volvió a preguntar- Hoy me voy a poner la chaqueta que a ella le gustaba y no quiero que la llenes de pelo como la última vez -miró al perro quien subió la cabeza como si supiera lo que le estaba diciendo- No me mires así que es cierto -dijo el anciano como un padre que regaña a un niño- De repente vuelva hoy, campeón. De repente.

A las 12 en punto, el cielo se llenaba de fuegos artificiales y alumbraba la noche. El anciano tomaba al perro que temblaba entre sus brazos y lo abrazaba fuerte:
_Cálmate, campeón. Yo te cuido. Yo te cuido como te cuidaba ella. No te preocupes. Aunque nuevamente me llenaste de pelo la chaqueta, yo te cuido. No importa. Ella sabrá que está lleno de pelos por ti y no dirá nada, como antes.
A la mañana siguiente, a las 6 en punto de la mañana, el perro alzó la cabeza y esperó el suspiro de siempre. Ladró y ladró muchas veces, sin obtener ninguna respuesta. Luego, el animal se acomodó al pie de la cama y puso su cabeza en el piso como si entendiera todo. El anciano, sobre la cama, con los ojos cerrados, tenía una sonrisa en el rostro como si hubiese visto a alguien que estaba esperando por mucho tiempo.

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Waiting in December
That day at 6 o'clock in the morning, just like every day, the old man opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. The still, unlit lamp was the first image he saw. Immediately, as if the animal sensed his awakening, the old man heard the dog barking next to him. Without getting up, he stroked the animal, sighed and said in a whisper:
_Another day without her, champ. Another day we wake up without her. I hope she comes looking for us today.
Shuffling his feet, the old man walked to the kitchen and behind him, the animal followed him as if it were his shadow. He lit the stove and then looked out the window:_What time will she come for me, champ? I think she's forgotten about us. -He put a pot of water on the stove. Then he walked to the nearest chair and lay down in it as if his soul were heavy. The animal lay down at his feet and put its head on the floor.
Today is December 31, champ," he sighed, "When did she say she'd be back? -Today I'm going to wear the jacket she liked and I don't want you to fill it with hair like last time," he looked at the dog who raised his head as if he knew what he was telling him, "Don't look at me like that, it's true," said the old man like a father scolding a child, "Suddenly come back today, champ. Suddenly.
At 12 o'clock, the sky was filled with fireworks and lit up the night. The old man took the trembling dog in his arms and hugged him tightly:_Calm down, champ. I take care of you. I take care of you like she took care of you. Don't worry. Even though you got hair all over my jacket again, I'll take care of you. It doesn't matter. She'll know it's full of hair for you and won't say anything, like before.
The next morning, at 6 o'clock sharp, the dog raised his head and waited for the usual sigh. He barked and barked many times, without getting any response. Then the animal settled at the foot of the bed and laid his head on the floor as if he understood everything. The old man, on the bed, with his eyes closed, had a smile on his face as if he had seen someone he had been waiting for a long time.