New Year Méllows

in Lifescape Tribe2 months ago (edited)

New year celebrations are happy.
But despite the celebrations, I find myself longing for our new years a few years ago.
For the past three years, I have celebrated New Year with my husband and his family.
But before, I stayed with my family while he went home to his. That was before we had a child.

Since we had our little boy, our arrangements were we spend Christmas with my family since they don't celebrate Christmas on December and we spend new year with his.

Also, celebrating new year with my family filled me with contentment because we were complete.
However, times have changed. People moved on.

And by moving on I mean physically moved out. Most of our uncles and aunties have migrated to other countries so our cousins went with them too.

Before, we used to be able to consume two big packs of marshmallows during bonfire.
Now? We do not even buy them anymore.

So this year, I bought some for my husband's nieces and nephews.

And some for adults also.
Melting marshmallows just reminded me of the old days and this longing will always be here hoping that next year, I get to celebrate new year with all of my family again.