Greetings again my dear friends, I hope you are all very well, each and every one of the people who are part of this complex, but wonderful planet called Earth, undoubtedly have different behaviors, that is no secret to anyone, therefore, the interesting thing would be to ask ourselves the following question:
Could we be capable of equating the highest level of our rational behavior with the goal of a common good?
How many actions we perform every day without measuring the consequences that we can cause to our surroundings, above all, wearing out that essential physical unit called time in things or activities that threaten ourselves, however, there are moments where some kind of internal voice sends us so many signals that we decide to slow down a little our pace and evaluate what we are doing.
That is the best time to reflect and look back as far as possible to look for any kind of reflection of our behavior in general, no person could claim not to have made a mistake, however, beyond understanding our imperfection in terms of behavior, we should reflect it around us, not as an excuse, but as one of the most outstanding characteristics of human beings and, despite this, we are able to have the courage to react and rectify as many times as necessary.
Therefore, I firmly believe that, if we were able to equate ourselves at the highest level of our human behavior and aim towards a common good, of course, this does not mean that from that moment on we will all start thinking alike, on the contrary, at that moment we can rescue our human capacity to reflect, correct and advance as much as possible. Regardless of what we are doing, where we are and with whom we relate to in a given space-time.
Understanding among humans is an intrinsic action that is activated in times of difficulties, it does not mean that we have to solve the lives of others, just understand that someone around us is in difficulty and at that moment needs our help and if we can do it, let's do it, life is the biggest mirror where we constantly observe ourselves and we can see our own reflections and the reflection of others, that is what life is about, show our best reflections.
Each one of us are infinite sources of energy reflections transmitted in the form of reflections both internally and in action towards others, when we understand that our reflections can bring us closer or move us away from the people around us, we can act in the best way and begin to radiate in the best way our energy, this effectiveness of reflecting energy, undoubtedly makes us raise our human understanding and thus our essential balance in our lives in every way.