in The Kingdom8 months ago

Many people say there is no paradise on Earth, believing it to be an imaginary location. Some say it is a place where you will be given virgins as wives, others say there is no paradise, and the whole world will be wiped out by fire. A few say paradise is in heaven.

The Bible has a completely different point of view and addresses all the beliefs stated above. As we all know, the Bible is the oldest book in the world, which makes it 100% accurate when it comes to everything we want to know about life and where it is heading. First, I am going to explain what paradise is, provide proof of its location, and explain why we should believe in the promise of paradise.


Yes, the story of Adam and Eve, as told in the Bible, describes an idyllic beginning in the Garden of Eden, a paradise where humans and animals lived in harmony, and everything needed for a joyful life was provided. According to Genesis 1:28, God's original plan was for them to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and have dominion over all living creatures, implying a life of eternal peace and abundance.

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As we have mentioned in the previous paragraph, Jehovah's original plan was for man to live forever in paradise. Actually, that plan never changed; He still wants us to go back to our home. Nobody feels comfortable in another home for too long.

First, to prove that the earth is going to remain forever, as some claim it is going to be wiped out by fire,

Ecclesiastes 1:4 says: "A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever."

How would an artist spend a lifetime creating a masterpiece only to destroy it because of a dent? That's completely impossible, so the earth stays.

So the location of the paradise is here on earth. Why do I say so? The Bible mentions some problems that will be solved when it comes. And from the look of things, we, the earthlings, are the ones affected by those problems.

The Bible promises us about the solution to all our problems when paradise comes, which is also called God's kingdom.

Today, we grow old and die, get sick and die, get into an accident and die—anything that goes wrong can kill us on earth. But in heaven, everyone is immortal. That is why the Bible speaks of a resurrection at:

Revelation 21:4
"And death will be no more."

This proves that death is not going to affect us in our new home.

We get sick, and from time to time, there is always an outbreak of disease. There is no story like this in heaven. But the Bible says:

Isaiah 33:24
"And no resident will say: 'I am sick.'"

Residents in that paradise, which is the kingdom, won't be sick anymore.

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    And many more problems will be done away with in the paradise on earth, which is God's kingdom.


One might say: "I have been hearing about the paradise which is God's kingdom from my great-great-grandparents till date, and nothing has happened." But see what the Bible says:

Psalm 146:6
"The Maker of heaven and earth, Of the sea, and of all that is in them, The One who always remains faithful,"

Titus 1:2
"and is based on a hope of the everlasting life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago."

These two scriptures are an assurance that God is not human to lie and fail to keep His promises. God promised the Promised Land long before the birth of Moses, and yet He kept His promise. He promised to make Abraham's offspring as many as the grains of sand by the sea, and it came to pass. All this proves that paradise is true.


This is our sure hope of better future and it's a huge blessing and succor to our current problems.

Thanks for the article and we want more
