in The Kingdom3 months ago


God promised–"..and in the morning you shall be filled with bread. Then you shall know I am the Lord your God."[Ex 16:12]

Verily, verily, the promised bread came–

"So when the children of Israel saw it[the bread], they said to one another, “What is this?” For they did not know what it was. Thus Moses said to them, “This is the bread the Lord gives you to eat."[Ex 16:15]

So Moses carefully told them the origin of the bread and you would think that they would easily name it "Heaven's bread", "Angel's bread", "Glory cake" or something.

No, not at all, wait for them. This is the name they preferred–

"Now the children of Israel called its name manna.."[Ex 16: 31]

The meaning of Manna is "what is this?". The sweetness of the bread, with it's special honey taste, seemed to confuse their brains 🧠 that the name they gave it, was a question. 🙂


I think we can spare them on this, because, isn't it how God does His things? Everyday if you look closely around you, there's a wonder of God, that would make you want to say, "WHAT IS THIS, GOD?"

A song writer said "This kain God, another one nor dey o"; meaning, This our GOD is incomparable, none like Him anywhere.

Never loose sight of the wonders of God in your life, He is reaching you miraculously one way or the other. Please value it.

Also His wonders around you or in you, you must protect it by obedience. That "it does not matter" kind of living is not the way of a responsible child of God. Reject that life please.

"Now it happened that some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather, but they found none."[Ex 16:27]

Why did they find nothing?

God had already commanded them to rest on the 7th day, that on the 6th day He would send extra bread sufficient to cater for the 7th. Some just stubbornly refused to follow clear instructions, they still came looking for manna on the 7th day, thereby angering God.
The 7th day is a rest day or Sabbath day for them.

Live a disciplined life precious folks, your life is not yours, it actually belongs to God and your call is to live for His pleasure day and night.

Have a blessed day.


The 7th day is a rest day or Sabbath day for them.

Yet most don't observe it

Hi boss,
Well some see it as consummated in Christ Jesus, just like other laws and prophecies. Heb1:1.

So Christ is said to be the Sabbath of the new covenant believer.

By the way, as I read this blog again now, I notice that the Lord's Prayer has the manna idea in it. When it says, "give us this day our daily bread". Indeed we must seek Him afresh each day, if not we become stale and rotten in spirit like the manna of those who decided to,in disobedience, take extra bread to last two days.

Thanks for coming.

Sabbath wasn't limited to Jews (Genesis 2:3) or an old covenant. It's the law of God. He never changes.