It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
Few days ago i was helping a site engineer offload tons of ceramics from a truck that has come to supply them on site, while working one of my friend came along and started to help out too offloading too, but while he was offloading he kept jokingly saying things like what if this thing fall from my hand now, please i don't have money to buy, I'm sure he kept saying it for more than five times and eventually that's exactly what happened, one of the ceramics fell from his hands and broke, the value of that single ceramics is worth almost 100k.
It was a very bitter experience cause we all felt bad about it, but then would it be a coincidence that he kept saying those words and in less than few minutes ut happened exact same way?, we all knew what transpired that moment, he kept saying it and that happened, personally I'm someone who sometimes I can think and say some uneven awful things to myself but before that moment elapse I must counter it, I must revoke whatever thought was in my head, because I know this world we are is 100% spiritual....
From the very begining we understood that This entire world was created out of the words of God, the bible says in the beginning the world was void, empty and darkness was upon the face of the earth, then the spirit of God began to hover over the waters and From There God began to speak, so all that we see now were made out of the spoken words of God, so what we see were made from what was not seen, God spoke and it began to manifest.
Remember that the bible says we are like Gods on earth, we carry the same capacity as God, we're made in his likeness and image so literally everything God does we can do also, but must of us we are ignorant of these inherent ability, that's why whenever we pray consciously we get the result because whenever we pray we are engaging the spirit realms of this world that is govern and is controlled by the spirits.
Words are powerful.
"The Words I speak to you are spirit and are life" are a direct quote from John 6:63 were Jesus reiterated that his teachings are not mere words but are imbued with spiritual powers and the source of eternal life"....
This is to remind us to be careful of the things we say per time, we might say some certain things unconsciously or just out of frustration or pressure but whenever you want to pray alter that statement, rewrite those words don't allow the sun go down with those words, cause you are a spirit being and whatever proceeds out of your mouth has the power and ability to do and undo.
@Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvotes reblog and comments are very much appreciated