Monomad Challenge - Winter Contrast


It has been a long ass time since I posted for what we used to call Monochrome Monday. Now it is the Monomad challenge and this is my entry! You can read the contest details here.

Winter seems a little grey around here sometimes but there are always slight shades of blue or brown at the least. Winter here is a great time for monomad shots!

Back in Time


I debated which shot to enter and decided upon this one. Something about black and white shots of our historic town hall that makes you transport back about 100 years. It is possible the roads would have been cobblestone and definitely would not have that late model vehicle you can see on the far right. Otherwise, we could be way back in the great depression with the snow starting to fall.

House In the Woods


When I am in the dog park, I occasionally stray off the path to see how the bush shack is doing. So packed with leaves that I wonder if it has been abandoned or is a hibernation haven for some critter.


I think it might be the curvy spines I like most about my thistles. Brutal serrated points all over and then there are a couple stylish sprigs almost innocently throwing its arms up.

Bird House Tree

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Bird House Tree was my second choice for the contest itself. The tallest tree in the back of the park, its contrast with the grey sky is almost tough on the eyes. The black and white in the winter is a stark and beautiful contradiction to the blue skies and full head of leaves in the middle of summer.


Turkey Tails

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When the snow retracted recently, it left a nice surprise I hadn't noticed before. One of the stumps has sprouts a nice colony of mushrooms on its back. I forget who told me these are Turkey Tail variety but I thought the black and white made for really neat texture and depth.

Did you know Black and white photography has its own discord server?



You don't need to be a photographer to Monomad!


Those turkey tails really look wonderful in black and white, I also love that bird tree with all its arms spread out.

I do like them too. They ALMOST look better in colour.

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Wow! This one is also very beautiful.

Photos that are converted to black and white become more beautiful, all the objects look very beautiful, especially the birds.

The winter period is really shining so bright and looking so bright

The pictures are nice and there is no way one won’t be able to spot winter in those pictures
Nice one!

You really made the right choice in picking the bird house shot

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