The photos are absolutely stunning and caught my eye when scrolling for something new to curate. They all project permanence, stability, and a beauty of their own. My favorite is the 3rd photo from Basel which rises up like some massive otherworldly monolith. Just beautiful.
I've also been toying with your question of:
• What role does the time of day play when publishing posts?
I've been blogging for awhile now, and have seen the most success Tuesday-Thursday (as on Monday, workers are just catching up on last weeks work, and on weekends, people are busy resting and engaged in non-work acttivities with less time for browsing posts).
It also depends on who in the world you're trying to reach, as I can see Latin America followed by Western Europe and West Africa come online over night, with the rest of the globe tracking throughout the day.
If you want to reach Nigerians for instance, the WORST time to post is around 6PM NY time, as they're in bed then. Midnight ET is a much better time as that's when West Africa is waking up to start their day. So it depends where you are in the world and who you're targeting.
If I publish at 5-6AM eastern time, I get Americans just waking up, and since the majority of the US lives east of the Mississippi river, that's who I publish for. The only other areas worth considering are Texas, California, and Chicago (big population centers). The empty "flyover states" in the middle and the west don't really matter, as there are more cows than people in Nebraska for instance, and Kansas is pretty much emptying out. In fact, in my entire life, I've never met anyone from Kansas.