A Walk in the Rose Garden, Buenos Aires - Monomad Challenge.


An intolerable invasion of mosquitoes has arrived in Buenos Aires in recent days, All the repellent products have been sold out and all the parks, streets and closed spaces have the smell of this 😅 I, within my own world, had forgotten this "irrelevant" fact and went out for a "pleasant" walk in the rose garden of Palermo.

They almost murdered me and now I have one less liter of blood in my body 😂 The good news is that we have some good shots.


This Rose Garden is located within what is called the Palermo forests, which is a huge space with many attractions. In this photo you can see part of the planetarium dome in the background.


There were very few people, probably because they didn't want to be eaten by mosquitoes haha ​​or because it was a weekday and people have to work. That always makes it more interesting sometimes.

This is one of the stairs and structures that photographers usually use for wedding photography, quinceaneras and other outdoor themes.


Hello little bird.

This little guy was standing still without moving much, I had to take a photo of him. I would have liked to have a better lens for shots like this.


This is a group of workers, garden employees who were doing maintenance at the place. They take advantage of doing it on weekdays since on weekends it is literally impossible due to the number of people who come to visit and meet.


This photo is a little off topic, it is a monument in the middle of Libertador Avenue between the ecological park and the Tres de Febrero park.


One of my favorite photos is definitely this one. That person almost in the middle of the empty water fountain, surrounded by all that vegetation. I think it's a nice composition, What do you think?


These are other spaces within this rose garden. Some people sitting on chairs in the middle of the garden, in the background some buildings. I was wondering how these photos would look in black and white, I particularly love them.

I would like to know what you think of all this, the photos and the place :)




That's all folks. Thanks for stopping by and appreciating.


Camera: Nikon D3400 | Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ED

"Photography is a universal language that transcends the barriers of culture and time." Fan-Ho.


Copyright © by @dimascastillo90 All rights reserved, 2024.
Find out about my Street and Boudoir photography works.
Street Photographer | 🇻🇪 VEN based in ARG 🇦🇷


Bellas esas fotos

Muchas gracias @nanialeal :)

¡Muy buenas tomas! Conocí el Rosedal la segunda vez que fui a Argentina, y me pareció precioso, ese día las flores estaban espectaculares, en su mejor momento, y no había zancudos jajajaja, qué fastidio eso...

En qué temporada lo conociste? Imagino que primavera :) los zancudos no te dejan vivir en pazzzz jajaja gracias linda @sofathana 🤗

Era noviembre 🌹😃, ¡un abrazo @dimascastillo90!

That is a garden of mosquitoes but you just made it, nice photos and good work.

😂😂😂 thanks man, appreciate it 🙏🏻🙂

You are welcome