I can sense Mama's happiness while looking at the newly sprouted squash in her garden, it is still a baby, but the excitement it has brought to Mama is immense. She's so proud of it while telling me about it, so I can't help but be happy for her. Simple things can really make a person happy, if we know how to appreciate every little thing in the world, those things will surely bring joy to any one of us. I am so happy that even those small things or happenings in life can bring such joy to my heart.

This is the baby squash in Mama's garden. It's crawling up to the guava tree, and seriously, the sight of it is so pretty. And it was just a week ago when I shared the pretty flowers of this squash, but now it is already bearing small fruits. This is the kind of happiness we can all get, just by having your own garden in the yard.

Feeding our pet made me really happy too, aside from the fact that it made me satisfied. Seeing them full and in their high energy again made me happy as I know they will run around everywhere again. And I'm sure some of them will either slip or fall because of their hyperness. I could get a good laugh with their actions, lol.

Ah, can I also add the happiness and excitement I felt this morning while having my breakfast? Well, yeah, it is just breakfast, but what's so special about it? That maybe is what you're thinking right now, the thing is, the food we had this morning is really special. It's not like we always had this kind of breakfast. We usually had rice or hot pandesal, but this morning, we had a fluffy hotcake made by Mommy D.

And what makes it special is the margarine I put in it, sprinkled with brown sugar. It's the best, I tell you. And the way Mommy D prepared it is not too sweet, so you can eat it either with jam or chocolate spread. But that spread is really bad for me, so I just had it with margarine and sugar. As for my drink, it's a hot chocolate drink. Yum, yum! I excitedly eat it with the oldies.

And another thing, being able to visit different places made me happy too. Especially I don't really go outside that much, but when I go out, I make sure that I enjoy it. It is even more enjoyable if I go there with my family. My life is really just so simple, but it's because it is simple that I can enjoy it more. It's easy for me to feel happiness.
And so yes, this is what makes me happy. How about you? What makes you happy?
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