I've been craving green Indian mango since the mango season started in the Philippines. I only tried the ripe apple mangoes we got from a relative last month, but I'm still craving "that" one kind of mango. I'm talking about the Indian mango, as we call it in the Philippines. And thanks heaven, I got my wish answered when Ka Nida gave me two green Indian mangoes. My oldies received 10 mangoes from them while I got two pieces. I picked two pieces when she asked me to get some in the plastic bag she's carrying. Seriously, I prefer a green mango or the unripe one rather than the ripe one. I love it when I eat my mango with that crunching sound. Is it just me? Lol.

An Indian mango is not too sour, even if you eat it unripe. Unlike the carabao mango, which will really make you squirm because of its sourness, But even if it's sour, some people still love to eat it, even if it's unripe. Even I love to eat that when it's still green. You only have to make a special dip or sauce for it, and you can enjoy it so much. We also do that when eating Indian mango. We can dip it in bagoong (fermented fish) or alamang (shrimp paste), and you can already enjoy it to the fullest. But if you don't want that, then salt will do. Or you can just try the soy sauce, then put sugar and chili in it, and it'll still be awesome.

Anyway, here are the two mangos I got. It's already yellowish but paler, which indicates that it is not that ripe yet. And this is just what I need. And you know, this is freshly picked mango because it is still wet from it's own dagta, resin, or sap, according to Google. I'm not really sure. It's a white juice that comes from the tip of the stem when you pick it from the tree. Anyway, it's amazing because that's just really what I want. Because, as you know, when a mango is freshly picked from its tree, expect that it will be so crunchy when you eat it. And you will enjoy it more that way. Just like I always did when I ate it.

Mommy D has her own mango tree on her own lot, she sold it just recently, sadly. That time, every mango season, she will come home with a bag of Indian mango. And we are like in a feast because there's a lot of them. I can eat three to five Indian mangos. That's just how I love Indian mango. How about my fellow Filipinos here? And you know, Mommy F won't lose because she can also eat a lot of mango, just like me, (≧▽≦). It's not about being competitive, but she just loves it too. My younger brother was still living with Mama at that time, so we all had a fun feast together. Ahhhh, so nostalgic. That's one of the precious and happy moments I had with my family.

By the way, I only use salt in my Indian mango to enhance its sweetness. Have you ever tried it on fruit? Salt is best with apples, oranges, grapes, guavas, papayas, and many more. Just a little bit - just enough to spread the saltiness in your mouth together with the sweetness or sourness of those fruits. And just not to be overwhelmed with sweetness or sourness, dipping it in salt is recommended by me, haha. I'm not sure if everybody will like it ಠಿヮಠ.