How many tines I tried saving tiny cats but I failed. I was sad waking up in the morning to feed the kitten but I found him dead where I leave the other day. I thought he survived because he had a good respond when I fed him using the syringe. Still, I am happy that I gave number of days to live. I hope all the cats I took care in my since 2007 will be coming back to me or I will be joining with them.
The happiness of the girl was gone and even there's a tears on her eyes when I told her the truth about the kitten. But she realized he doesn't belong to us here and Blacky is pregnant so we will have our kittens again.

I offered flower to his resting place.
Every dead cats I found in the garden, I gave them decent burial. I don't throw them in the garbage. Sometimes, I saw cat body hit and ran by the car passing infront of my employer's house, I picked them and buried them.
I saw many people just throwing dead animals anywhere. That is bad. They are made by God , had life like us and be buried properly. I suggest to everyone to be good and not cruel even the dead animals.I am against that action of cruel people so don't love animal and pet. How if we die and they do it to us. It's an act of cruelty. It also give a clean environment if we buried dead animal. I hope that starting today, those who dont love animal, learn it from the Bible or Quran how it connected to our life. Either the information I knew was not true at least fore it is a kind of Kindness to animals.
Thank you everyone!